Chapter 14

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Kevin POV

I take a deep breath and walk into the bookstore. Today I am going to ask Alyssa out on a date. The bell rings and I see Alyssa come out of the back room. I gave her a wave and she comes over. "Hey Kevin what's up?"

I nervously walk up and clear my throat. "Well umm, I was wondering if umm, you wanted to go out with me?"

She looks at me for a minute. "Like a date?"

I nod. "Only if you want it to be."

She smiles. "Sure. What time?"

"It's ok if you don't- wait really?" I ask.

She lets out a laugh and I blush. "What time does the store close?"


"So how about I pick you up from here at 6?"

She nods. "Alright well I'll see you then." She pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek before walking back behind the counter. I walk out of the shop and head to the apartment to figure out where to take her tonight.

@5:00 o'clock

I quickly put on my shoes and grab my keys. Tonight I am taking Alyssa to a restaurant called Bestia then on a walk.

The rings above my head as I walk in. I'm a little early so I order a coffee from one of the workers then sit in the same window seat where Alyssa and I talked. I pull out my phone and send Avi a text.

K: Guess who's on a date

A: With who?

K: A girl I met a few days ago. Her names Alyssa, she owns a little bookstore/café.

A: Well you have fun. Kit and I are fixing to get on the road. We're coming home today.

K: Y'all be safe.

I must have been on my phone longer than I thought because I look up and see Alyssa sitting by me. She gives me a small smile and we stand up

"Are you ready?" I ask before taking her hand

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"Are you ready?" I ask before taking her hand. "Sure am." We head outside and make our way to the restaurant.

After Dinner

I took Alyssa home and I walked her to the front door. "Tonight was fun!! Maybe we can do it again sometime."

She nodded and said, "Yeah, I would like that a lot." We looked at each other for a little while longer, and then she went in her house. I didn't want to take things too fast with her. I walked away and went to my car with a smile on my face.

As I went to the apartment, my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and it's the agency. They said that the mission was over. Avi and Kirstie, who had at this point become like family to us, were together. That meant that our job was done as their guardian angels. For me, I feel like our work here is just getting started. Scott and Mitch come walking in the apartment.

"Hey!! Where have you guys been?"

Scott looked at Mitch. "The boss wanted us to follow Kirstie and Avi to Texas in case something happened."

So I asked, "So did anything happen?"

"Yeah, Kirstie and Avi got engaged."

"Oh, I'm so happy for them. I guess that's why I got a call from the boss. He wants us back."

A few days later, when they get back to the agency

Scott POV

Kevin told us that the boss wanted us back.

"Hey guys. How did it go?"

Mitch looked at me. He held my hand. Should I tell the boss about Mitch and I? If I tell him, we might get fired. But I can't hide from him.

"Boss, there's something I need to ask you?"

"What's up Scott?"

"Is there a way that we can stay Kirstin and Avriel's guardian angels?"

"Unfortunately, no. I wish there was but that's protocol." I look at Mitch and Kevin.

"Can we have a minute to talk?"

"Yeah, I'll give you guys a minute."

"Thanks." The boss walks out. Once he walks out, I smash my lips against Mitch's more passionately than I ever have kissed him before. I pull away, open my eyes, and caress Mitch's cheek.

"What was that for?" Mitch said.

"I needed it. Anyway, guys, we need to talk about this. I really don't want to leave Avi and Kirstie. They had the best time in Texas. They got engaged, and having a baby together. Based on the way Kirstie's baby bump looked, she could be having twins. We might have to quit the agency."

Mitch looked at Kevin and then at me. "I agree. I don't want to leave them. Kevin, what do you think?

"Guys, I was actually thinking about quitting the agency anyway. While you were gone, I met a girl and went on a date with her. She was probably the nicest girl I've ever dated. Her name is Alyssa. I don't want to leave her, Avi or Kirstie, especially not now."

The boss comes back in. "Alright, so what are you guys going to do?"

I look at Mitchie and Kervy. They nod. "We came to a decision about what we would like to do. We have decided to stay with Kirstie and Avi. So we hereby resign from the agency." And with that, the three of us walk out of the office. We go back to the apartment and we sit on our couch.

Mitch sits there, with a confused look on his face. "Did that really happen?"

"Yeah it did, babe. It was worth it though." Mitch smiled and kissed me.

I hear a knock on the door. I pull away from Mitch and open the door. "Kirstie!"

"Where's Mitch?" Kirstie came in the apartment.

"Right here" Mitch stood up. Kirstie tackled him.

"I missed you!!!!"

"I was only gone for a few days."

"Yeah, but I was hoping you could come over to hang out tonight? Maybe a slumber party?"

"I think it should be fine." Mitch said.

"Bye" Kirstie walked out with a smile on her face.

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