The Bully that Fell in Love

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The place where nothing goes right and my life is bound to be ruined

Where no one cares about you, your feelings or anything else that happens

You’re alone and on your own

Nothing but a scar in my life...and I have many

My parents don’t realize what I go through because they don’t pay an ounce of attention in my life

I’m so alone in this world, no one knows what I face everyday

I cut...not just for the pain, not just to forget everything

but for the pleasure...

The pleasure of knowing that if I cut deep enough I might just be free

Free from my problems,

The constant hate, the names....the abuse from bullying

That if I do cut deep enough no one will hurt me ever again

It seems like every time I do it I can never have the strength to go deeper

I’ve been doing this for five seems like it will never end

Every mark tells a story

A story of what I went much pain it caused

How no one told me to stop

Tomorrow was another day of this living torture

My bully...

Zayn Malik

Was going to make sure I have the worst memories of him

He was succeeding

My life is a living nightmare because of my own living

I don’t know what to do anymore with my life

“Tearen?! You’re going to be late for school, do you even care!?” My mother yelled from down the hall. I was lying down in my bed still half asleep. Of course I don’t care, you think I actually enjoy going to school? But I still have an education; I got up and headed to the bathroom. I washed up and put my wavy chocolate brown hair in a messy ponytail. I grabbed my comfy Roots track pants, and a vintage T with a cardigan over it to cover my scars.  I don’t usually care about my appearance. I didn’t bother eating breakfast; I grabbed my backpack and put my toms on. “You’re going like that?” my mom spat. “Yes...why?” I rolled my eyes at my mother. “Well you look like you came from the streets. You could look nicer like some make-up or something” Did she seriously just say that? She’s lucky I didn’t knock her this morning for yelling. I ignored her and walked out the door.

I walked out of our small, broken home and started walking to school. It was 6:30 and school started at 7:50. I can’t afford to take the bus so I have to walk. My dad says I could use the exercise so I should be thanking him. My school is a kilometre away but the silence from walking there and back is the most peace I have during the day.

I finally got to the front of the school and I went to my locker. I got my books quickly before Zayn comes. I locked my locker and as soon as I turned around I felt strong hands slam my body against my locker. My books dropped to the floor as my body was shocked by the force that pushed me. My head slammed against the locker and it was pounding. I looked up and saw his brown eyes filled with pleasure from my pain. His hair was up to a styled quiff, and his devilish smile pierced on his face. I was disgusted just looking at him. His hands were grasping onto my arms.

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