Chapter 4

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Tearen’s POV

I woke up, thanking I’m alone. At least I’ll get a week’s worth of not being criticized and being totally tormented by my parents. But soon I had to realize I only have a week of this then, we are back with the same routine.

I can never catch a break...

I looked outside and saw how disgusting it was. It was so humid out there! I grabbed my skinny jeans with a T shirt and put a beige long sleeve sweater. I quickly put my hair up in a pony tail and grabbed my bag. I locked the door and started walking down the street with my converse on.

I got into the front doors and turned the corner to my locker to see Zayn standing there waiting for me. I stopped in my steps and turned around. I looked back to see if he was following me but he wasn’t there, I turned in front of me and he grabbed my arms holding me so I wouldn’t move. He walked back to my locker still holding me in his hands, “Did you forget about me?” he played a smirk on his lips. I was disgusted by him, the bell rang and I’m guessing he wanted to get some punches out of me and make me late, so I could be even more humiliated in class.

“I asked a question” he shook me hard. I looked behind him noticing a shadow, and it was the principal. I thought of an idea, “Please don’t hit me, you can take whatever you want!” I cried out and Zayn’s look was confused until he felt a pat on the shoulder. He turned around and saw our principal. “I suggest you put her down Zayn. And why don’t we have a talk? In my office, now!”

He loosened his grip and let me go. The principal pointed to the direction of his office and he dragged his feet along the way. Zayn turned to look at me and gave me a death stare, I waved by to him back in a teasing manner and I knew I struck a nerve. I just made it worse...

I walked up and opened the door to my class and all eyes were on me. “Ms. Johnson this is becoming a habit of yours. You know what stand at the front” I walked to the front feeling every set of eyes burning a hole in me. “Shall I call your mother and father for this?” the kids all started laughing. “Aww does poor Tearen need her mommy and daddy?” one kid spat, I started walking to the back of the class in my seat. “Please! Her parents don’t care about her no one does and no one ever will” Words just kept being thrown at my face like dodgeballs I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Is Tearen gonna cry now? Haha” I hit the kid who said that in the face and he went down to the floor. Everyone was in shock, I looked at my hands.

Did I just do that?

“Ms. Johnson principal’s office! Now! And your parents will definitely be getting a call” I grabbed my bags and the boy was still on the floor. I headed down to the principal’s office where Zayn was just leaving and he looked so mad. He walked past me without even looking at me. “Ms. Johnson?”

He called and I went to his office and shut the door. “Have a seat...” I sat down in across from him, “I just been informed you hit a boy in your class just now, is that true?” I nodded, “Yes but for good reasons” I got cut off. “I don’t want to hear it. Now I know you are one of the best students here. Straight A’s is all I see when your name comes up, but now you’re hitting people”

“Look if you could just hear me out-“ I pleaded, “Now for your punishment. We are doing a musical play that one of our students directed and I want you to be a role in it to make up for your incident” My jaw was dropped. I absolutely, hated plays more than anything and this one was musical! I like to sing but in the shower, I can’t do this! “Are you kidding me, Sir!” He sighed, “I don’t want to hear no ifs, ands, or buts. Is that final?”

I crossed my arms, “Yeah...” he sat back in his chair, “You may be excused” I grabbed my bag and I walked out of the office and the bell rang for lunch.

I kept walking and feeling so useless, thinking every whisper, every move is motioned towards me. I feel alone and everyone knows it, how everyone looking is just making it worse. I rolled my sleeves over my hands. The worst part about this is that I have no one. No one at all, I’m nothing. Just a punching bag everyone seems to share.

I walked faster and I headed to the washroom. I went into a stall

Why has this become a routine now...?

I rolled up my sleeve, knowing there will be a new addition added to my canvas. I grabbed the blade; I felt the cold edges on my skin. I pressed down and let the blade do it work and cross my arm slowly. The pain struck and I closed my eyes, I held the pain in. The blade left my skin and I let the blood hit the floor. I heard footsteps, I had no time to clean this up I rolled my sleeve down in pain and grabbed my bag as I bolted out of there. All I heard was what a freak.

The bell rang for next period, this is not good...

I felt the blood go down my arm; I just kept my sleeve down and walked into class. I just remembered I’ll be sitting next to the idiot. I took a seat and looked at my sleeve. The blood didn’t go through...yet.

I saw Zayn walk in, with no cares whatsoever. He dropped his bag and he sat down. I was about to write down what was being taught on the board but his hand found my wrist and he twisted it tightly. And of course it had to be the one I cut. I immediately held onto his wrist with my other hand and tried to release him from his grip. I held my scream in, “You got me in trouble you idiot” he added the pressure on my arm.

“You got a lot coming for you” he dug his fingers into my skin. I couldn’t bare the pain.

“You deserved it...” I said back to him, he didn’t look happy.

He twisted my arm to the back of my back, and he came next to my ear. I turned my head to not face him,

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that?!” he growled. I felt his hot breath behind my ear.

“Mr. Malik and Ms. Johnson, I’ll see you outside” our teacher stopped the lesson. All eyes were on us. Zayn let go of my arm and he stood up,

“What did I do!?”

Was he actually being serious?

“Let’s go, now” our teacher pointed to the door. We followed knowing, he was going to give us this big huge lecture. We stood on the wall metres away from each other. “So, do you want to explain why your little chit chat is more important than me teaching my lesson?” he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Anything is better than your voice going on and on about pointless shit” Zayn huffed.

But does this kid want to get in even more trouble!?

Well as long as I shut up I won’t get in trouble so he can keep talking.

“Is that right Mr. Malik!?”

I wasn’t going to listen to them argue over this pointless conversation.

“Look Sir, he’s being ridiculous can’t we just go back in class?”

“Oh I’m the one being ridiculous!?” he raised his voice. I just rolled my eyes, “You are!”

“Hey, Hey! You both sound ridiculous! Now Zayn you shouldn’t be talking, your falling behind in not only my class but in every class. You should be paying attention but i guess that seems hard for you. And Ms. Johnson you are straight A’s in every class. I am surprised you were talking during my lesson...”

A smile appeared on his face. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be good. I took a lookat Zayn and he looked as confused as I am.

“Mr. Malik, meet your tutor”

I think both of our jaws dropped when he said that. I can’t believe those words left his mouth! I am not tutoring this idiot!

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