-Homecoming Game-

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As we all got ready to perform, there was lots of different emotions. Happy, sad, victorious, and some that didn't know what to think.

As we got off the busses, we were doing last minute checks to make sure that we were taped, had black socks, had our plumes and we had our own hats. Everything was such a "crisis".

Then my friend Emily came up to me and you could tell that there was something wrong. "I was asked to homecoming. It happened a while ago, but I thought that you should know now."

"Er mer gerd! Who asked you, When we're you asked and why am I just now finding out about this?"

"It's the trumpet player named Nick. I really think that he is wired though. He always wants to be near me and I don't really like him. I like his car though. I will have to show you it sometime."

"Oh. Whale, you still haven't told me when you were asked. Do I get to know?"

"I was asked like 3 weeks ago." She sounded like it had been something awful that she never wanted to experience again.

"Come on. It can't be that bad Emily. You sound like he is going to kill you."

"He probably could"'

Just then he came up to us. "Hi. I'm Harmony. Emily's best friend." I held my hand out for him to shake it. So he did.

"My name is Nick. Emily's homecoming date. What instrument do you play?"

"I play flute. We like to blow hard and finger fast. That's our motto. And you play?"

"Trumpet. Best one in the section next to Alex."

Just then the band director yelled and told us to go to our places with our sections to practice any last minute things like visuals and getting tuned. "Wow. That's impressive. Well I better get back to my section. Bye Nick. It was very nice to meet you."

-Sometime after we are back at the school-

"Wow. I really do love performing in front of people. I just wish that the football team could see us." I said.

"Yeah. And they say that we suck." said Emily. Just as she finished, Nick walks up and Emily sighed. "Hi Nick."

"Hey Harmony. Hi Emily. How did you like tonight?"

"I liked it. And the football team thinks that they are better. They lost the game." I said.

"That was really fun. I still can't believe how many people left after we were done with our performance." Emily sounded happy for once when she was around Nick. Usually, she hates being with him.

"Well that's how it usually goes. Well I will see girls tomorrow. Bye." Nick replied

"Bye Nick. See you tomorrow." I said. Emily waved and he walked away.

"I really don't see why you don't like him. He is a nice person."

"I don't like him because he is arrogant."

"You should at least try to see around that. Well. my ride is here. See you tomorrow."


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