Chapter 6| Food Court

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Damien and I walk into a food court. He ordered me to buy him some food, mentioning that I saw him shirtless and it was only fair. I ignored him, while blushing of course, but when he whipped out the puppy eyes I could not say no. With Damien at my side, I join the back of the line.

The food court isn't as busy as it would normally be, since most of the teenagers are in school, so the line moves fairly quickly. However, not quick enough. Damien is talking beside me, wondering aloud what he should make me order. I sigh, and listen to everything he is saying.

Soon, we reach the front of the line. Unfortunately, Damien still hasn't decided on what to order.

"What would you like to order?" The man behind the counter asks me, his expression blank. He's chewing on a piece of gum, and his gaze is locked into his phone screen as he addresses: me.

"Ew, chewing gum in a place like this? The food must be nasty." Damien says, and I have to ignore him. I give him a look, hoping that he takes the hint to pick something.

"Okay, I've decided!" He cheers in triumph. The person behind the counter still hasn't looked up at me, and blows a bubble with their gum. "Just fries."

"Can I have two portions of chips, please?" I ask the employee. He looks up from his phone screen to scribble down my order on a slip of paper. A curvy women walks out and snatches the paper from him, her hair up in a net.

"Chips? I meant fries Pip." Damien says, confused. I ignore him once again, if I talked to him in a place like this, I'd get countless stares.

Even if staring is rude, most people don't seem to care. But it isn't like I haven't stared at people before. I stare at Damien, a lot.

"I'm getting ignored again, aren't I?" Damien asks again, I glance in his direction and give him an apologetic look.

The women returns with our chips, and the man gives me a strange look.

"Two portions? Why do you need so much food miss?" At his words, I twitch.

Beside me, Damien erupts in laughter. I slam money down, grab my chips and glare at the man.

"I'm male!" I hiss, and stalk off to a table. Damien seems to be finding the whole ordeal hilarious, as he joins me at the table and holds his stomach from laughing. He falls down onto the chair, still laughing.

"My s-stomach!" Damien splutters in between bursts of laughter. "Oh god!"

"It's not funny." I whine, crossing my arms and pouting. "I always get mistaken for a female."

"Phillip," Damien says, his laughter calming to a few giggles.

"What?" I hiss.

"People are staring at you." Damien points out, and I turn to look behind me.

He's correct.


People of all ages are staring straight at me, all of their facial expressions different. Confusion, and interest seem to be popular among them. I roll my eyes, blush and turn around to face Damien. He's smirking, and giggling.

I glare at him, and snatch a chip out of my basket. I eat it in silence, and Damien sighs.

"God damnit Phillip, please don't ignore me." He says, taking some of his own chips out and eating them. I fold my arms, staring down at the stained table and shifting uncomfortably in the plastic chair.

"I won't ignore you," I mumble, "if you make yourself visible."

Damien almost chokes on his chips. "Visible? No. How strange will it look with my red eyes and dark attire?"

"I think they'd be more shocked at your table manners then you sense of style." I say back, and Damien scoffs.

"They're fries. How else am I supposed to eat them?"

"With your mouth closed." I answer, my voice quiet. "Now, will you please make yourself visible?"

"Nope." He says, popping the P. He places another chip into his mouth, and chews obnoxiously.

"You just want me to look insane, don't you?" Damien nods, eating more. I sigh and eat some of my own chips, chewing slowly.

While we finish the rest of our food, I stay silent. Damien keeps talking, and when I don't answer he puts on a horrific British accent and answers as if it was me. I cringe at the accent, and he laughs when he notices my cringe.

"You are so persistent." He says, leaning back in his chair. He swings on two legs, his knees pressed against the table. He shifts under the new weight and I push against it. Damien stumbles on the chair, and it scraps against the floor loudly.

Around us, people flinch, cringe and cover the ears. That's when Damien snaps his fingers.

"Sorry everyone!" He says loudly, placing his hands up in surrender. They glance over and glare at Damien. He sticks his tongue out, and people don't seem to notice, and if they do they don't question it, the fact that his tongue is grey.

"You're visible?" I whisper, and Damien nods. He sits back down, and gives me a look.

"Thanks for almost killing me." He says, grabbing his chip basket. He aims, and throws it in the direction of the bin. It misses.

"You would've have died. Don't be so dramatic." I tell him, picking up my own basket and throwing it. It goes into the bin without any problem, and Damien scoffs.

"How are you so good at throwing?" He asks, and I shrug.

"I guess it's just one of my talents." I admit, and Damien hums. He places his hands flat on the table, and leans closer to me. His necklace clangs on the table, but doesn't care as he stares at me. I gulp.

"Do you have any other hidden talents?" He asks seriously, and I shake my head.

"Not that I know of." I respond, trying to fight back the blush at him being so close. He sighs in disappointment, sitting back in his seat.

"I have a talent for nail art you know." He tells me, examining his own nails. I raise an eyebrow, and glance at his plain place nails.

"They don't look that arty." I tell him, and he gives me a hurt look.

"Thanks Pip, these are my best work!" He says, offended.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, is never re-"

"Pip, I'm kidding." He tells me.

"Oh.." I say, a blush f embarrassment forming on my cheeks. Damien stands up from his chair and stretches.

"Damn these chairs are uncomfortable." He mumbles, then turns to me. "Let's go and do something else, we've still got heaps of time."

I stand up from my own chair, slightly stif. "You don't even have a watch.."

"Whatever," he grabs my arm, "come on. I saw a toy store just outside the court."


Very boring, but whatever. Also, the whole story is in Pip's Pov


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