Chapter 8| Pocky

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When we left the toy store, we decided to just walk around the mall. If a shop we were interested in came into view, we would tell the other and go inside. We walked in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was enjoyable. We were just enjoying each other's company. No speech was needed.

Beside me, Damien was cradling and smiling at the teddy bear. I couldn't help but smile at his actions.

The huge contrast in Damien's personality is truly shocking. Until now, I've only seen him as a sarcastic, know-it-all who believes he's the most attractive person on earth. Granted, his sarcasm is funny and he really is attractive, but seeing this whole other side to him is extremely amazing.

A sweet, soft and caring side.

It shows me that there is so much more to this demon. That you have to get to know him if you want to see other sides. I know I've only known Damien for two days, but it feels like I've known him for so much longer.

"Hey Pip, I have a name for her." Damien tells me, holding up the fluffy bear.

"That's excellent! Would you mind sharing?" I ask, giving Damien a polite smile.

"Why would I tell you that I have a name yet not say the name?" Damien asks, and my smile fades. I cross my arms and tilt my head down. My fringe falls in my eyes.

"I guess that is true." I mutter, and Damien laughs and appears in front of me. He places his pointer finger under my chin and tilts my head upwards to look at him. While I look at him, a shiver cursing through me at his touch, he smiles and tells me the name of his bear.

"Her name is Ami, it means friend in French. Do you want to know why I named her this?" I nod. "Well, because my first friend bought me her!" He cheers, and holds the bear up in front of me.


"That's very sweet Damien." I smile, blushing slightly.

"Also, the name would remind me of you." He admits, his voice soft and his expression friendly.

I tilt my head to the side, curiosity shinning in my eyes. "Would you care to explain? I'm slightly curious."

"Well, when I called you British, you were so happy about the fact that I knew your true nationality. And, the name is French. When I look at Ami, I'd think of you," Damien smiles, and I turn to him.

Without thinking, I charge into Damien. His arms fly back as I wrap my arms around his torso, and rub my cheek against the soft material of his shirt. He smells like night air and smoke, and as I lean my cheek against his chest I can hear the slow and rhythmic thump of his heart. It's oddly soothing.

I feel Damien's gaze on me, but I don't let go of him. I feel tears build up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I'm touched. I know it is only a bear, and he's only named me after it. It sounds silly to cry over something so strange. But, when you've lived most of your life with hardly anyone caring about your well being, it's overwhelming to actually have someone truly care.

And Damien does.

He cares about me, and I care about him. He's the best thing that has happened to me in such a long time, and I've never felt so connected to someone since I was with Estella.

With Estella.. I liked Estella. Really liked her. I wanted to be with her. To have a relationship. I feel the exact same right now, can that possibly mean I have feelings for Damien?

Ouija (COMPLETED)(South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now