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Its been a week.
Maybe more.
I don't even know anymore.

After the first few days, I thought I could just go back to the way it was before.

But man was I wrong.
I need her.
And she needs me.

She needs me and she's trapped somewhere with god knows what and god knows who.

If they lay a single hand on her I'll make sure they suffer.

I take a breath. Calming myself down a bit.
I begin pacing back and forth, contemplating what to do.
For the past few days all I've been able to do is think about her.

I grab another handful of knives and other simple items lying around my office such as roses (her favorite), and bottles of champagne.

I place them down one by one, the last knife completing my time passer, covering almost the whole floor to my office, with the weapons and some of Harley's favorite items surrounding me.
I sit crisscross in the middle with the only left over gun, tapping it on on my knee, thinking back to when she first saw the house that's grown cold and empty without her.

"Harley," I began, keeping her eyes covered and feeling her smiling cheekbones touch the sides of my hand.

It had been a few days since the chemical bath scenario, and I finally felt it was time for her to come home.

"I'm so excited, Puddin'!" She said, even though it was clearly noticeable.

I smiled, whispering closely in her ear before removing my hands.

"We're gonna have so much fun here you and I "

She opened her eyes, taking in the view of the bedroom before her. She ran her hand over the only white wall that had "HA! HA!" spray painted onto it, covering the entire wall, the other walls kept plain white. Against this printed wall, was a large King bed, white purple silk sheets and pillows complimenting the room nicely. On the opposite side of the bed was a couch, white, with purple silk blankets like the ones on the bed folded nicely on it, facing a fireplace and glass coffee table.
I followed her as she walked to the bathroom, speechless.
Her gasp grew even more if possible after stepping in there. The walls were a velvety red, and there were two mirrors and two sinks.
Over the right sink in white paint was the label
"Harley" and over the left, "Puddin'" .
The shower was a large walk in with a glass door, large enough for the two of us, with a tan tile tiling the floor and walls, going with the red perfectly.

Harley looked to see me staring at her from the doorway, waiting for her response.

She smiled at me, waking up to me and kissing me on the cheek, taking my hand and leading me to the couch where the fire was already lit.
We both say down and she immediately snuggles into my side. I raise my arm up, ready to push her off of me, and before I do, she says to me, without looking away from the fire
"This is perfect, Puddin'"
I keep my arm frozen, staring at her, before I slowly lower my arm, putting it over her shoulder, rubbing up and down her arm, joining her gaze at the fire.

"You should get a cappuccino  machine in here, it'd really make the place." Harley comments
"Don't push it" I groan, her lightly laughing in response.

I am stripped away from my thoughts when I hear the door begin to open.
I immediately raise my gun to the person walking in, dropping it once I realize it's just one of the boys.
I lay my wrist back on my knee, the gun dangling in my grip.
I look at him, my eyes needy.
"Where is she?" I ask in a deep, orderly tone.
"It's complicated, J" the man in a black suit answers.
"They put her in this prison in the middle of nowhere, they call it "Belle Reeve" he finishes, pausing to see if I'll respond.
When I don't, he clears his throat a bit, asking
"What should we do?"
I look up at him, answering,
"Get the car. We're going for a ride."
I lay back in my surrounding circle of bad, and let out a relieving laugh.

I'm coming, baby.

Going Mad {Jared Leto's Joker and Harley Quinn}Where stories live. Discover now