I Miss O2l

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I miss o2l so much they would always make me happier then I was before I watched their videos. I miss all of the guys together being silly. So I made this note thing or whatever idk just read.

Monday the one and only Connor Franta he is one of the most positive people  have ever seen he made me look at the bright side to every bad situation. And made me feel like the world isn't as cruel as it may seem. He has the best smile I have ever seen.

Tuesday: Ricky Dillon is a pokemon master who makes every one smile. He put on onesies and danced to music. He showed me to be myself no matter how weird I am. Also his lisp is so cute it makes me smile and just love him even more. His music is so awesome too.

Wednesday: Sam portoff taught me to be creative with everything I do to think outside of the box. And that being different is okay and you don't have to change for people to like you. I love his tattoos and his lip piercing

Thursday: Jc Caylen has made me laugh whne I was sad amd taught me to take a joke and be kind and try to be the best you can possibly be at everthing and of course to stay cloudy. I love his personality and his tattoos

Friday: Trevor Moran taught me your never to young to do something big and I can accomplish my dreams no matter how big they are to make goals and achieve them to be yourself because theyre is a chance people will likw you for who you are. I love trevors voice and his nose piercing.

Saturday: Ricardo Ordieres be happy because this moment will never be able to happen again try your best at all of what you do, do what makes you happy not what other people want you to do. I love ricardos glasses and his personality

Sunday; Kian Lawley made me laugh the most the crab face got me every time. Not to hide feeling tell someone if you like doing something do it. No matter how weird you are the people who care about you will always love you and care about you and that someone will always will be there for you. I love his nose ring and tattoos

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