Chapter seven

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Lily's pov...

I woke up feeling a bandage around my head and bandages around my ribs. I sat up and pain rushed throughout my body making me yelp out in pain. My back was on a back straightaway that only helped people that hard there spine cracked in half. Wait what? What happened?

Someone came through the door and I didn't recognize who it was. I watched him walk over to me smiling and had roses and a card and balloons in his hand that said get well soon. He put them on the table and grabbed my hand.

??: how are you doing

Me: who are you

??: I'm Chris remember, your boss

Me: um no

Chris: oh... Do you know your name?

Me: no

Chris: oh god I'll be right back

I watch him run out the room and I looked around. I noticed I was in the hospital and looked at the card Chris brought in and it read, "hope you get well soon, you mean allot to people especially to me. Can't wait for you to come back to work." I smiled and out the card back down and tried to get off the bed but it was so painful.

Chris walked in with two other men. One was a doctor and the other one was just some guy. Maybe Chris brother. They walked over to me and the doctor examined me.

Doctor: do you know your name

Me: no, why am I here

Doctor: you been in a horrible accident

Me: oh

??: hey lily

I didn't look at the person talking I looked at Chris and smiled.

Me: thank you for the card it meant allot

Chris: anytime

??: can you guys leave please I have to talk to her...alone

They walked out leaving me and him alone in the room. I looked at him while he stared at me in regret and sadness.

??: i did it again I'm sorry

Me: what are you talking about

??: don't you remember me lily. You to remember, Ladarius Parker, you know your boyfriend. I'm the one that had beaten you into this hospital again. I know it wasn't you that lead him on. I know you won't ever cheat and I'm so sorry. I really am. I know I said it a lot but I am this time I promise you. I can change I will.

I stared at him as he cried and he grabbed my hand gripping it securely.

Me: I'm sorry but I don't know you and my boyfriend would never put me in the hospital. Yes he has a temper and pushes me away and hits me and kicks me and cuts me and throws me and ignores me and other things he wouldn't do that to me. He loves me even though it doesn't seem like it I know deep down he does.

Darius: baby I'm your boyfriend, you have to remember please do. I do love you. I do. Im soooo sorry. Im sorry for my temper. Im sorry for pushing you away. IM sorry for ignoring and hitting and putting you through all this pain. I know all you do is love me and I make it so hard for you and I'm sorry.

Me: I'm sorry Ladarius I don't know you.

He cried harder and I rubbed his back. After 5 minutes the doctor came back in.

Doc: anything

Darius: no, when will she get her memory back

Doc: pretty soon so give it time and don't rush it, you'll strain her brain then she will totally forget everything except for her family.

Darius looked at me and kissed my knuckles saying bye and walking out. I was confused. The doctor handed me some food it was quit disgusting but I ate it. I stayed in the hospital little longer and I think I got my memory back. I wasn't so sure. I had to put it up to the test so I made the doctor call Darius back in.

He got here in 10 minutes and he rushed in the room and hugged me tightly. I hesitated but hugged him back. We hugged a bit before pulling away and him backing up. I saw he was fighting to hold tears back. I remembered him. I remembered my baby. My Ladarius Parker. My abuser but lover. My rock, my world, my everything. The one I would take a bullet for.

Me: I remember. I'm sorry

Darius: what you sorry for baby

Me: I lead him on, it was my fault I'm sorry

Darius: NO YOU DIDNT, you didn't do anything, I was blinded with jealousy and anger. You didn't do anything.

I flinched when he yelled but I nodded my head. He hugged me again and kissed me on the forehead.

Darius: you ready to go

Me: yes please

I got out the hospital and went to his car. We stopped by McDonald's and got some food for me which I was thankful for. Felt like forever since I had McDonald's, I happily ate while he drove us home. I was finished by the time we got home. I got out the car an he lead me into the house with us holding hands. He lead me to the couch and told me to sit which I did. He ran upstairs and came back down with blankets and pillows, I watched him run back and forth bringing all kinds of stuff like blankets and pillows and chairs and snacks. He set up a fort and laid out he blankets on the floor with pillows and some blankets connected hanging off the chairs making it look like a palace. We went inside and he brought the tablet and propped it up and we watched "the suicide squad" while eating chocolate covered strawberries and drinking soda and popcorn and candy. Weird mix I may say but it was fun.

I snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I kissed his bottom lip and he smiled looking down at me and kissed my forehead.

Me: I love you

Darius: I love you more

I snuggled into his chest smiling myself to sleep.

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