Chapter 11: Episode 10: To show I care!

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One Piece: Growing up with Whitebeard!
Chapter 11: Episode 10: To show I care!


A/N. Ok! This one goes to Naomi-nami16 for winning my little guessing game from the first chapter Panther of Spades! Hope you guys like it! Thanks for the reviews guys, and speaking of which, time for Review Replies!

To TheBlackSeaReaper: Ah, that's good, and thanks for the sentiment. Glad you like my stories enough to haunt the computer in the afterlife...Anyways, thanks for the review and enjoy!

To Umbra8191: Thanks and enjoy!

To Naomi-nami16: True true...But still she's so cute! Anyways, thanks for review. And yeah, poor Marco gonna die from worrying himself too much. On the brightside, Luffy's learning to not get lost so much, and to stop surprising the poor man. Everyone had their limits for when they can no longer deal, it took Marco 4 or so years to reach his, so you have to give him props for dealing so well with it. Though I think it was just the shock of finding out that Luffy can not only use Fishman Karate, but also hear Sea Kings, as her power isn't the exact same as Shirahoshi. And you're right, that is her name, I thought it was Shirohime because of a slight bout of confusion. Thanks for the review again, and enjoy!

To Rell: She doesn't mean to...But she just gets into way too much trouble. And I wouldn't say that, as she got Marco in a dress before she got Mihawk, he burnt all the evidence though. Thanks for the review and enjoy!

To Runandra: Yeah, that's how it turned out, originally he was a father figure, yet he somehow wound up becoming a mother figure...Oh well. Thanks for the review and glad you liked it. Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Oh, and the Straw Hat thing will probably be next season, sorry!

To Aoi Usa: He's fine, or will be. It's just he reached his limit for dealing with stuff. You have to applaud him though, it took 4 years for him to finally and officially snap. Thanks for the review and enjoy!

To crazzyredhead: Ah, maybe the next chapter. Thanks for the review, glad you liked it, and enjoy!

To caring16: Thanks for the review, and hey! Have a little faith in him, he managed to last 4 or so years without snapping. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chappie!

To lilyoftheval5: Glad you liked it. Hope you enjoy the rest. Thanks for the review!

To Vampire Revan: Ssh! Don't give away the ending! And actually, from the way it's made to seem, it appears that it should be impossible for a human to learn Fishman Karate, which is exactly why you'd be shocked that he bothered to teach her that. From what I've seen, Luffy is human, so she shouldn't be able to learn Fishman Karate, but she managed to use it without any prior training, or a very rough form of it, and accidently took out a wall and several guards. So yeah, Jimbei taught her. She can hear them, but it's not like Shirahoshi's power, it's a weaker variant. In the manga, canon Luffy could hear the Sea Kings too, and so could Roger, so I decided to put that in. Thanks for the review and hope you enjoy the rest!

To weirn018: You'll see this chapter. Thanks for the review and enjoy!

To shiary: You're welcome, and I will at some point later. Maybe one of the chapters before I end the childhood arc. Anyways, thanks for the review and enjoy!

To IndigoButterfly: Gotta love family don't you. Anyways, the reason why I stress him out, is because it's fun! And actually here's the interesting thing. A tomato is actually a fruit, not because it's a berry, but because it bears seeds. So you were partially right, just not completely. And that is interesting. Anways. yeah. Thanks for the review and enjoy the chapter!

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