new house

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This is my second EVER fanfic ok so please go easy on me I know it's probably going to be bad at first please stick with me please and I might spell some words wrong please tell me if I do ok now let's get on with the story.

~Stiles prov~
I sigh and look out the window "dad how long until we get there".
"we will be there in about a hour ok so chill out"
he says I sigh again
"stiles it's going to be better here this is a new start for us"
he says I look over at him
"dad I know it's just that being cramped up in here for hours is making him restless"

(oh by "him" he means his inner tiger Vasilis which means king in Russian)

he sighs "how bad 1 to 10".
"um he's about a 7 ok let's hurry then" he says while switching on his police siren (I think that's what you call it😂)
{Half hour later}

He stops the car I jump out oh thank God I take a deep breath *Vasilis starts to pace " dude let's shift already"* I sigh "ok calm down we will in a minute I need to bring our stuff in my new room".
"just go son I will bring your stuff in ok just shift already it's probably wasn't pleasant for
him being in the car for hours".
"you sure dad" I say looking at him in worry.
"its fine stiles just go already just be back in a hour or two ok".
"ok thanks dad"
I hug him he hugs me back
"now go".
"god it's like you don't want me with you" I say while smirking
he rolls his eyes "some times I don't"
I pout
"your a meany" he gives me the you better listen stare or I hit you in the head look.
"ok ok I'm going don't get your panties in a twist dad".
He rubs his temple
"I'm to old for this".
I laugh
"ok bye dad"
I start running
"be careful stiles"
"when haven't I been careful"
I yell over my shoulder.i start to run into the forest *Vasilis starts to claw and whine at me
"let's shift already"*ok I take a deep breath and close my eyes I relax my body(I am HORRIBLE at describing ok)I shift I feel the dirt under my paws I open my eyes I sniff the air.i here a twig snap behind me I jump and turn around my eyes widen and my body stiffens "oh god No No No" I say in my mind.
CLIFFHANGER (covers my face I'm so embarrassed) I'm so bad at describing so sorry people I know this is really bad I'm horrible at writing

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