Chapter 2

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"Hey, Percy, wake up!" "Huh?Wha-" I was cut off by the pair of lips attaching to my own. That certainly woke me up. I sat up and looked around. My cabin was trashed. And I don't mean the way it normally looks, but actually trashed. Then the events of last night came back to me. After I had left my mom's apartment, we drove to Camp Half-Blood. There I met up with some fellow campers and greeted Chiron. After that, Annabeth and I had gone under the lake for some "private time." I smile remembering that. We had stayed under there until my buddies from Camp Jupiter arrived. They had brought gifts, food, and drinks. There was of course no alcohol as the drinking age in America was 21.

   We had gone down to the forest to have privacy. We had talked and laughed and reminicised about old times. We had also had a moment of silence for all those we had lost in the battle against Kronos. That was the one reason I didn't like my birthday. It was a constant reminder of the battle and everyone I couldn't save.

   After that though, everybody had come to my cabin to have a dance party. Everyone had paired off and started slow dancing. But the reason my room was so trashed was because the slow dancing had eventually turned into a dance off and then a food fight, (accidentally) initiated by Frank. He had gotten too excited and turned into a monkey. The monkey had thrown some cake at the wall, but Jason had walked in front of it at the last second. I smiled as I remembered.

   I was brought out of my reverie by someone clearing their throat. I looked around and saw the whole gang. Annabeth stood next to my bed, grinning.
"I promised your mom you would be home by noon today and it's already 10:30. Hurry up Seaweed Brain!"
"Of course, Wise Girl, " I replied.

   Everyone left and I got dressed. I was starting to clean up when everyone burst through the door. Frank immediately came up to me and started apologizing for the food fight, before I waved him off.
"Nah man. That was the most fun I've had in a long time."

   Everyone else came and started cleaning up when Annabeth came over to me.
"It's okay Percy, you can leave it."
I started protesting but she waved me off.
"Next time, you can help us clean up our cabins. Now come on, we've got to get going."
I said goodbye to everyone left.

   The drive home was quiet and comfortable, neither of us saying anything, neither of us needing to. We were content to just be with each other. I drove in silence, thinking about my life. About the first prophecy, and then the second one. About all the friends I had made and everyone I had lost.

   When I got home, Paul opened the door and hugged me.
"Happy eighteenth birthday, kid. " He said by way of greeting. He ushered us in and apologized for not being here yesterday.
"I had tests to grade and couldn't come home."
I told him it was okay, as long as he was still taking me to the tattoo parlour next week.
"Of course, " he replied.

   When mom came in, she seemed surprised to see Annabeth.
"Oh Annabeth, honey, I didn't realize you were also coming," she said.
"Why?" I asked. " Is something wrong?"
"Actually yes." My mom said. "I really need to talk to Percy about something important. Just him alone, " my mom clarified.
"Oh." Annabeth was - understandably - surprised. "That's okay. I can just catch a cab back to camp, "she replied. Mom smiled.
"Thanks so much for understanding."
"No problem"

   After Annabeth had left, I confronted my parents.
"So, what was that about?" I asked. I looked at Paul but he was doing his best not to look at me. I looked at Mom, and saw sadness in her eyes.
"Mom, what's going on?" I asked again. She just looked at me again with those sad eyes and told me I should probably sit down. Once I was seated, I waited.

    "Percy, you have a twin sister."

So, I know it's been quite a while but here's the second part of my story. Also I switched from third person to first person, so sorry for that, but the rest of the story is going to be in first person.
Also, comment if you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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