A Shelter From The Rain

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SOE office 1937

'Fellas, I think I've worked out what happened to Peggy.' Howard looked at the two men in front of him, they looked rather nervous, especially Michael, his feet were tapping from the moment he entered Howard's lab.

Michael was worried sick in the past few months, he was afraid of what had happened to his sister. He was scared that something was wrong with her and that it couldn't be cured or fixed. He was frightened that he couldn't help her. He had been helpless in this half year, drowned in fear.

'Alright, alright. I'm ready. You can talk now.' But in fact, he was not. He was absolutely not yet prepared to hear what Howard was about to tell him. Please be a good news. He secretly prayed. He didn't notice his hands were shaking slightly. His heart was pacing and pounding, a single sweat ran down his chin.

But luck never looked after the Carters, 'As Peggy had mentioned before than she had once been through an accident, an electrocution, it seems the accident changed her cells.' Howard passed them the lab report. Philip took the file in hand and read it carefully while Michael was staring at Howard with confusion, 'Wait, what? What do you mean electrocution? I've never heard her say that.'

'Yeah, electrocution. Haven't Peggy mentioned that to you?' Michael shook his head. 'Alright, that's a bit weird. Anyway, apparently, Peggy had been electrocuted 26 years ago before she attended your wedding as she said. She said she had lost control on the car and gone straight to the lake, she was trying to get out when the lightning stroked her." I guess she thought she was alright so she didn't tell you about her accident. Personally I think that's a stupid idea. I mean normal people would definitely go to the doctors or something if they had just been electrocuted, but whatever, that's not the point.'

'Based on what she told me and by studying her cells, it seems that a certain substance in the lake absorbed most of the electricity, as a result she didn't die under such a strong current. I don't know how,, but it seems that the substance somehow changed her cell structure and her metabolism rate. For the impact of the accident, it seems that she won't age again, she will be forever trapped in age 23.'


Peggy was waken up by the high pitch voice of her nephew screaming in the kitchen which was a floor downstairs, sometimes she wondered does it hurt to scream this loud and this high? She groaned with tiredness, wishing her nephew could stop screaming and shouting, even just for one second. She got up from her bed, went , morning. I was going to bring it to him but I have to get the kids to school and my schedule is a bit tight, would you mind to bring his lunch to his office?' Lizzy's hands are full of stuffs and she was rushing back and forth through the house. You see, that's why Peggy was so revolted towards the idea of domestic life, dashing around children and houselife just wasn't her style, but sadly, that's what her mom wanted her to do, to settle down, have a few children, or whatever stuff like that.

'Yeah, sure. I'll do that and leave the plates in the sink, I'll take care of them. You go ahead and take the kids to school.' Lizzy looked like she had just been saved. 'Oh Peggy, you're my lifesaver. Sweeties, are you ready? We're about to leave!' Lizzy shouted through the house, her voice was so loud that Peggy could feel the vibration of her ear drum. Good lord! She shouts so loud, no wonder Jason's and lsabelle's voices are so freaking loud.

Jason and Isabelle rushed to the front door and were ready to go. 'Have fun in school, darlings.' The two kids smiled brightly and waved their hands towards Peggy. 'See you later, Lizzy.' Lizzy followed the kids out of the house, then suddenly turned around. 'Oh silly me, I almost forget to tell you mom and dad sent a letter to you. It's in the dining room. And thanks for helping me.' And she was out.

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