Cliche #48 + Contest

1.2K 90 7

If some creepy stalker dude hands you some mythical object and it glows/speaks/moves, it so obviously means your the chosen one.

A/N: Heyo! Kacie here. Okay, so I literally just checked, and we officially hit 10k views! Oh my gosh, I'm flipping out! But here's why I'm telling you this...

I'm holding a contest!

So here are the contest rules:
1: You must create one of your own hilarious movie cliches that you know about (Must be original, you cannot copy off of one of the cliches featured in this story).

2: Then, you either PM me with the cliche, or post it in one of your stories, tagging my name so I can enter you. Also, tell me which story you would like me to read as a reward.

You have the chance to win a follow (If I haven't already) A shoutout in this story, and for me to check out one of your Wattpad stories.

3: I will look at all of the cliches and choose a winner this Wednesday. Good luck!

PM any questions you may have about the competition.

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