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12 years after Frisk free the monsters from the UnderGround, life on the surface has been good. Monsters and humans have lived together in peace and are enjoying life as it is. But not all the humans are happy to share their world with monsters again. A group called A.M.L. or the Anti-Monster League was created to raise havoc on Monster kind and try to push the other humans to make Monster go back into the underground for good. As years went by, their efforts seemed useless. Monsters still lived along with everyone, and it doesn't seem it will change anytime soon; until someone came up with an idea. Knowing that Frisk was the still ambassador of the monsters, if something were to happen to them; what will happen? War. If Frisk was killed off, then nothing will stand in their way to send the monsters back underground. Humans won the first war against monsters, who says they can't beat them again? That's the risk they are willing to take as they now put all their efforts to hunt down, capture, and kill Frisk Dreemurr. It's up to Chara and Asriel to keep Frisk safe as they travel to the base of A.M.L. in hopes to finally end the hatred toward Humans and Monsters for good.

Facts about this AU:
-W.D.Gaster, Chara and Asriel were brought back one year after the barrier was destroyed. Thanks to Alphys and Human scientist working together, they were able to remake Asriel's body and reanimate his soul, (like an artificial soul). For Chara, they took half of Frisk soul and gave it to Chara's damaged soul, making Chara 'come back from the dead' with his own body already. For Gaster, they used a method Sans suggested into making/finishing a machine that Sans had in his basement. Once the machine was completed, they turned it on and a portal to the 'Void' was made, allowing Gaster to come back into exists.

-Frisk is 22, Chara is 24 and Asriel is 25 in this Au. Meaning, they are adults, not kids.

-Frisk and Chara are boys in this AU.

-This AU is first set in Toronto, Canada. But as they journey to the headquarters of AML, they travel through Minnesota, Wisconsin and toward the end they will end up in Marquette Michigan.

-Sans, Papyrus, Gaster, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Mettaton and Alphys have no idea what's going on until the third day Frisk, Asriel and Chara were on the run. After finding out, they try everything they can to help them on their journey by giving them money and tips from other people about this organization.

-This AU is mainly focused on Frisk, Asriel and Chara.

The sounds of cars passing by and the busy steps of the town's people filled Frisk with DETERMINATION as he hurried across the street. "I'm late!" he thought as he walked down the sidewalk, "I told them I would meet them ten minutes ago!". Frisk was on the way to spend the weekend with his two best friends/ brothers, Chara and Asriel. It's been about two years after all three of the Dreemurrs kids left the house to start their own lives. Of course, Toriel was a crying wreck and so was Asgore to an extent. Frisk had the all-important job of being Ambassador of the Monsters; Chara is a bar tender at some club, and Asriel works in game designing. But even with those jobs, the three men still had enough time to come and hang out with each other. "I'm just two blocks away. Just need to make it across one more street!" Frisk thought happily as he waited for the walking signal to turn white at the street crossing.

As Frisk waited, he began to start to get worried about something else. Five men in black have been following him ever since he left the train station. Frisk at first brushed it off saying they were just going the same way, but not only were they inching closer and closer to him, Frisk had seen one of them talking to a driver in a black car on the street. Three of the same car has been driving right next to Frisk the entire time. Since their windows were tented, he couldn't see inside the car at all to find out who was in there. But after catching a look at the words painted onto the car's hood, he knew what he was dealing with.

"Anti-Monster League?! This is bad.. I better hurry to Chara and Asriel... Maybe if they see I'm with other people, they'll back off.." Frisk thought as the signal to walk across the street turned.

Frisk hurried across the street, not daring to look back as he heard running feet behind him. He was definitely certain now that these men were after him. Turning the last street corner into the park, Frisk caught sight of Chara leaning against the back of a park bench and Asriel sitting in the bench talking to Chara. Frisk was relieved to see his friends, but that soon turned to horror as someone grabs ahold of Frisk's arm, stopping him in his tracks. Frisk wiped his head to look at who grabbed him. A tall man in a suit and sunglasses on had a tight grip on his arm, with no signs of him letting go.

The man looked down at Frisk and quickly held out a gun and pointed it to Frisk's back.

Frisk froze in fear, not able to say a word. "Don't scream or I'll shoot you." the man said darkly before turning to the other four saying, "I got the target, let's get out of here before we are spotted.". Frisk was still as stone, his blood ran cold. "W-What do I d-do?!" Frisk thought as the man tried to push Frisk away from the park entrance. "...Frisk?" a voice called out. Frisk looked seeing Asriel had spotted them, Chara too was now looking toward their direction over his shoulder.

"Great, a monster spotted us." One of the men said behind Frisk, "Try to act natural, but if it doesn't work, shot them." The other man said.

Frisk had to think fast before something happens. In a flash Frisk thought of something. Frisk used his eyes to motion to Chara to look at his hands, after that Frisk started to quickly do sign language, knowing that Chara will understand it. The man holding Frisk arm started to pull Frisk again before finally noticing what Frisk was doing. Before the man could react, Chara was already infront of them, pointing a pistol at the man's forehead. The other four man reached to grab their guns when they were shock to not find think in their holsters anymore.

"Oh sorry... Are these what your looking for?" Asriel sound in a smug voice as he held the four guns in his hands. "Chara, remind me later to thank you for teaching me how to pit-pocket, you was right, it does come in handy sometimes." "I told you so Azzy!" Chara said happily before returning to a very serious mood. "I will only say this once. Let Frisk go or I will kill you." At this point the four other men were circling Asriel, on plans of trying to get their weapons back. "I refuse." The tall man said right before he pointed his gun at Chara's forehead. "C-Chara!" Frisk called out worryingly. "What now small fry? You can't win. Your not brave enough to kill one of your kind. Just drop the gun and -"

A load bang rang through the park, followed by a hard loud 'thud'.

Chara held Frisk close to his chest, hiding Frisk's face away from the now dead man on the ground. Frisk began to cry from relief and fear into Chara's chest as he hugged him tightly. "Why do people give stupid speeches?! Shoot or don't shot, it's that simple." Chara said angrily as he pointed his gun over to the four men, who were now knocked out on the ground. Chara smiled and lowered his gun, "Wow Azzy! You can finally lift your own weight~!" he teased as Asriel sighed and walk over to them. "Oh shut it Chara! If I hadn't thrown you over here, you wouldn't have not been able to make it in time to get Frisk back!" Asirel said as he patted Frisk on the head, trying to calm him down, "It's ok now Frisk, they won't attack you no more." "What I want to know is.. Why are AML after Frisk all of a sudden? They only go after Monsters not Humans!" Chara said as he hugged Frisk, "I knew I should've meet up with you at the station! Im sorry Frisk, I know it was scary.." Frisk sniffed and rubbed his eyes before saying, "I-It's ok Chara, we all didn't know this would happen."

Frisk look down at the gun in Chara's hand, "....Where did you get a gun from?" Chara he let go of Frisk and presented it to him, "This? Well, one of my co-workers at my job asked me to hold onto it for a minute since they were trying to make their house safer for his new born baby. I was planning on giving it back to him today. Good thing I brought it with me huh?" Chara said with a goofy smile on his face. Frisk gave him a small smile, "...I guess so." Chara looked down at Frisk before sighing, "I know you didn't want me to kill that man but he had a gun. It was for the best." Frisk nodded his head.

"Alright, let's get out of here and figure out what's going-"

Chara and Frisk looked at Asriel, who had a very worryingly look on his face. "What is it Azzy?" Chara asked. Asriel pointed out to the streets, "I-I-I think we need to make a run for it!" Chara and Frisk looked out to the streets, seeing three black cars parked at the entrance of the park. People in black suits climbed out of the sun roofs of the car with heavy duty guns at hand.

"Target in sight, ready to fire."

One of the people said as they ready their guns, aimed at Frisk. "RUN!" Chara exclaimed as he grabbed Frisk hand and started to run away fast from the scene. "CHARA WAIT FOR ME!" Asriel yelled as he ran after them quickly. Not long after they started running, they could hear the cars engines starting and the sound of rubber quickly moving against concrete was made.

The chase has begun.

(PLEASE! Comment and tell me what you all think about this AU! I really want your thoughts about this! >u< )  

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