Saved by the Owl (Owl City/Adam Young fanfic)

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The bright Minnesota sunlight filtered through my bedroom window, I was sitting in my room drawing. I drew what I wanted. A normal family, a nice family, a real family that wouldn't hurt me. The Williams has been my foster family for as long as I can remember. Whenever someone tries to adopt me they either go to court about it or just kill them. Once there was this family I really liked and the Williams came along and killed them. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sydney Webber, I am fourteen years old, I have blonde hair with pink highlights, my attire Is a Owl City shirt, I'm not a big fan I just own a tee shirt, blue jean shorts and knee high boots. I have a evil foster family as I mentioned before, I was drawing a house when a knock on my bedroom door scared me and I messed up.

"Who is it?!?" I yelled

"It's Julia Williams. Your foster sister you idiot"

I'm not a idiot I thought

Julia opened the door her long black hair was tied in a pony tail, she was clad in a summer dress that was blue, she walked over to me.

"What are you drawing?" She asked

"Nothing" I replied while turning the paper over

Julia started putting away my colored pencils.

"What are you doing that for?!?"

She ignored me and continued. She stopped picking them up, she took my pocket knife, took the blade out and made a cut in her arm, she screamed and My foster parents, Caroline and John Williams, ran into my room. They saw Julia's arm. Julia muttered that I did it, that's how my life is here. I get blamed for everything.

"Sydney you stupid, stupid girl. We give you a roof over your head, we treat you like family and this is how you repay us?!?" Caroline hissed while pointing at Julia as she was leaving my room. She came up and slapped me across the face

Yeah if by family you mean I get treated like Harry Potter with his family when he is out of Hogwarts I thought, which is true that is how I get treated around here

I put my hand to my cheek, it's going to leave a bruise.

"S-sorry" I stuttered, terrified

"Get out"

"What?" I questioned Caroline

"I SAID GET OUT!" She yelled at me.

I grabbed my pocket knife and ran out. I ran all the way to Owatonna Park. I went under a tree were no one could see me. I found A crumpled piece of paper, I un-crumpled it and looked at it. My eyes grew wide.

It was a a picture of me and my parents. I was a baby at the time, the Williams told me they died in a car wreck. I shook that feeling off and got my iPod out of my pocket. I scrolled through my music and played 'This is the future' by Owl City. I wasn't a Hoot Owl I just like this song and this song helped me get through a lot. I pressed play and closed my eyes I took a deep breath. I opened them again, I made my decision. I've had it planned for months, I took out a gun that was inside my boot. I made it level with my chest. My hand was shaking, I looked around. A squirrel scared me, I flung the gun up in the air, it hit a branch and fired. I felt pain through my right shoulder. I let out a blood-curdling scream, darkness took over.......

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