Peppermint Winter

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Adam's POV


I opened my eyes and heard Sydney screaming my name. I jumped out of bed overlooking the fact that I was clad in boxer shorts and rushed into the room. She sat up in her bed, her eyes all red and puffy from crying. When she saw me a smile spread across her face. I looked down. I'm in just my boxer shorts! I quickly walked over to her bed and covered up with a spare blanket. My face was hot with embarrassment.

"It's fine, Adam" she said, while getting up to give me a hug.

"Y-you sure. After all I am twenty-seven and you're fourteen." I protested

"I had a dream about my parents"

I wrapped my arms around her the best I could. She started sobbing into the blanket. I softly sung "Fireflies" to her while stroking her hair. Sydney let go and stared at me.

"What was the dream about? If you don't mind telling me" I asked

She took a deep breath.

"It wasn't much. Just them somehow being alive and then a bomb ending up here then it blowing up."

I was shocked.

"You sound so calm are you okay?"

"Actually I'm terrified" Sydney whispered

We hugged each other again.

Sydney's POV

Adam's warm breath went down my neck. I hugged him tighter. Letting go, I noticed that it is snowing outside.

"Hey Adam, it's snowing and you're in boxer shorts" I told him while pointing out the window.

He jumped out of my bed and ran out. I decided to get dressed as well. I put on: a long sleeve white shirt, leggings, jeans over top of my leggings and snow boots. As soon as I walk out of my bedroom Adam comes out in a heavy snow jacket, jeans and snow boots. He chases me outside and I fall face first into the snow. He picked me up and spun me around, I laughed as he set me back down and started chucking snowballs at me. I made a weird yell and ran after Adam.

When we both were tired of playing in the snow we went inside and had hot coco. We sang 'Peppermint Winter.' Adam looked happy, I had a feeling he was thinking about what I had said about the bomb. I placed my hand on his arm, he jumped causing him to spill his hot coco on himself.

"Sorry Adam" I apologized

He didn't say anything. He got up and got the coco off, then he picked me up after I had put my cup down. Adam started spinning me around, I smacked him and he finally put me down.

"Hey Adam?"


"What's in my Mothers diary?" I asked

He glared at me.

Adam's POV

I stood there glaring at Sydney. I always tell her never speak of her mothers diary.

"Go. To. Your. Room. Now." I said trying not to yell

"ADAM YOU NEVER TELL ME ANYTHING!" Sydney screamed as she ran to her room

Quickly,I rushed over to the bookcase and took down Fallon's diary. I started flipping through pages, I stopped when I found the one I wanted. It was addressed to me when I was about sixteen:

Dear Adam,

I know you will read this when you are older and proably have Sydney. I realize that Sydney is probably going through things that only we can fix, I'm sorry. Take her to her grandfathers house, He'll explain things to her without giving you know what away.

~Fallon Webber

I slammed the book closed and placed it on the bookcase. For some reason I'm really mad. I knew I needed to take Sydney to her Grandfathers house, he never liked me.


"WHERE ARE WE GOING!" She shouted back


I hear feet running down the hall, Sydney eyes were wide. She had her shoes on, I told her to come along and go to the car.

While we were driving along the road, I remembered that I didn't know where her grandfather lived. I asked her, she told me the address and three wrong turns later we eventually made it. His house was small, like a one room apartment kind of small. Snow made it look like the house would cave in at any moment, we got out of the car and stood at the door. Sydney knocked, it opened and I saw a guy about my hight with curly white hair, he wore shorts and a tee shirt even though it's snowing outside. Sydney gave him a hug, when he saw me he glared at me evilly. Sydney's grandfather let us in.

His house was basically just a kitchen, a makeshift bed was on the floor with bugs crawling everywhere, I felt like throwing up.

"Why are you here?" He asked me in a deep scratchy voice

"Um Fallon told me in her diary that I should bring Sydney to you and you would tell her something. She didn't give that many details, and she also told me that you would tell Sydney things with out giving you know what away"

His eyes grew wide, he ushered Sydney outside, he told me that I needed to stay inside. Then they went out. I looked around the house, I decided that it would be better if I stood.

A few hours later they came back in, Sydney looked like a Popsicle. Her face was white, I dragged her out of the house and we drove home.

Sydney's POV

When we got home, i sat down on the couch and I thought about what Grandfather had said, he told me the basic things, how he hated Adam, he had some choice words about Adam that I am not going to repeat. He also said nice things about my parents. Adam came and sat beside me. Before we left Grandfather told me that my parents aren't dead.

"Adam, are my parents dead?" I asked

He had a surprised look on his face.

"Uh....." Adam said

I got up and headed towards the bookcase and found Mom's diary.

"Sydney, I'm not saying yes or no but there is a chance that they could be alive" Adam blurted out

I placed the book down. Suddenly, a gun shot went off and a bullet hit Adam.

"Adam!" I screamed

I looked out the window and saw Julia running away. Adam groaned and I saw that he was bleeding in his stomach. Oh gosh don't be dead, I thought.

"Adam your not dying are you?"

"Shut up and call 911" he said while laying on the ground

I was shocked, he just told me to shut up! I needed to call 911, I did and they came and took him away. Brandon came over, picked me up, and took me to his house. I felt like doing nothing, I just laid on Brandon's couch and cried myself to sleep.


A/N: FYI- Adam is NOT dying! He will live! Anyway, so what do you think so far?

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