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Kayla POV

I stared at my computer screen biting my nails. Jay has been my best friend for about 1 year and he still refuses to meet with me. I've never heard him speak, facetimed him or met him. I took a deep breath as I got ready to type up my Email.

"It's Now or Never"

From :           (I'm sorry if this is a real email lmao)

To:                            (Yes that is the real Catfish email)

Subject : My twitter best friend and lover

Dear Nev & Max,

My name is Kayla Hamilton, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and I think I'm being catfished by my Online Best friend Jay. Jay and I met on Twitter 1 year ago and clicked instantly.

I'm a huge Belieber so 4 Years ago i made a fanaccount by the name of   @//TheBizzleRauhl. One year after. that An account by the name of   @//BizzleTheSizzler followed me and it was all normal I had a new mutual. I tweeted out that I was one of the easiest online friends to make and all you had to do was say 'let's be friends' and that where it all started. Jay DMed me let's be friends and the rest was history. While talking to Jay on Twitter I've learnt that he is 22 years old, he's from Canada and he's graduated high school but never went to College because his father has a business.

I've seen a few pictures of him but I've never heard his voice or facetimed him which shouldn't have been a problem being that he was sending me pictures but he always had an excuse, excuses such as he's working, his camera is broken or he'd ignore my request all together.

A few days ago I decided i wanted to meet him so we planned it out and I flew out to Canada as I landed he was supposed to meet me at the airport but I got stood up!. He texted me when I  was on my flight back home and said that he was sorry and that something had come up. That was an Immediate red flag for me so  I decided to do some research of my own, I searched the pictures he sent me on Google and found out that the pictures were not Jay at all they were pictures of a Manu Rios a Male Model. I just really want to know  who my best friend really is, I'm tired of this endless game of hangman, please help me out

Kindest Regards,

                               Kayla G. Hamilton

After hitting the 'Send' button I couldn't help but to think back to how this all started....

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