Chapter 1

36 5 9

Emilia above( Indiana Evans)

Emilias P.O.V




Urgh. That God forsaken alarm. Who the even invented those stupid things. I mean it was obviously someone who hated the world and  thought the only way to punish it was to prey upon innocent people by interrupting them in their sleep.

I reached over and slam my hand down over the stupid device in frustration and drag myself into a sitting position whilst running g my hands through my ragged hair.

You need to get up your gonna be late for the beginning of the end. It's your last year."

"Alright, geez mum I'm up I'm up. I set my alarm last night" I screeched at my persistent mother from my room.

Swinging my legs over, I finally found the strength to stand on my feet and hobble to my small desk containing my glasses.I slip them on,instantly clarifying the world,and roughly brush my hair before tying it back and climbing into my clothes(baggy trousers and tee shirt and a loose hoody).
"Mum, I'm ready!" I holler as I walk down the rickety staircase, trying to calm my nerves at the long year ahead, but get no reply.
I get slightly worried when I don't get a reply again but my worry was replaced with annoyance when I spot a scrap of paper in the kitchen taped to the fridge.

Work called, a shift opened up so I had to take it.
Have a good day at school. I just know you look gorgeous so knock 'em dead,sweetheart.
P.S. I might not be home till late. Don't wait up (;

Argh, I told her to stop taking so many shifts at the hospital. My mum's a nurse at the Colchester General Hospital near our house and she over works herself in order for us to scrape by. I got a job to help out but it doesn't really make much a difference. Every since my dad left we've had trouble with money since he left us with loads of debt when he ran off with that dumb, obnoxious ,blonde.....No no no no. Stop you're getting off track. Now what do I need to do? I glance at the clock. Shit! I'm gonna be late on my first day!

Sprinting out the door, I have to dash back to grab my bag then only just make it in time for the bus meaning every single seat is taken. Things really aren't going my way today.

Ooo! A seat! Just as the bus jolts forward I leap into the seat whacking something or someone rather in the head.

"Ow" a gruff, seemingly tired voice complains from the head.
I only then realise who it was. Leonardo De Anderson,
A.K.A Leo,
A.K.A the school bad boy who doesn't care about anybody and never listens to any teachers. Who only hangs out with the the Four, who are like the top boys in the school (barring Leo who is THE top)
The Top Four:
·Liam Angel-sandy colour hair, defined face,blue eyes and and amazing body.
·Blake Angel- Liams twin but with greener eyes and more defined abs.
·Kayden Star- jet black hair,blue eyes broad shoulders and more abs.
·Tyler Asher-blond hair, brown eyes, chiseled jaw and more abs.

And then there was Leo:
·Brown hair that looked good in every single way.
·Grey eyes that hold the world
·Broad shoulders
·Defined nose
·Washboard stomach with amazing abs
· Strong muscular arms ect.

"Hey,HEY!" Leo shouted impatiently clicking his fingers in my face." You kinda just hit me in the face before you spaced out."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. You see I was running a bit late because my mum left a note saying she had to go to work so then I was just thinking about you know everything like my dad and how this year's gonna go because it didn't go well last year because of Chelsea and Ethan and I just didn't want this year to be the same because you know it's our last year and I then noticed the time and had to run out of the door but then I realise I left my backpack at home,backpack gosh who even says that anymore, I mean I don't I say bag, yeah bag well anyway then I almost was late.I'm sorry am I rambling because I tend to ramble when I'm nervous. I mean not that you make me nervous because you totally don't but like um.....Um...I'm just gonna shush now.. " I ramble nervously, feeling heat rising to my flaming cheeks.

"Mhh, you just do that" he smirks mischievously whilst looking amused  making me blush further.
The rest of the ride passes without anything happening other than my face reaching flashpoint whilst spontaneously combusting.


Hey guys, thanks for reading this. What did you think about the chapter length because  I'm not sure. This is 881 words long so please comment whether you want longer or shorter. Also any questions feel free to comment and as and I will do my best to answer them all. So please:




Love you all,

Forbidden LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon