Chapter 2-School

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Leonardo De Anderson above played by Zac Efron.

Emilias P.O.V

After collecting my time table from student office, I wander around until I find an empty bench which happens to be in the same quad as my tutor(11N-LJ~ which is Miss Lily James who also teaches English Literature). I read my time table and almost instantly I get a message from my only friend called Melody asking what my time table is for today. Smiling at her predictability, I message back.

Hi Mel,
I've got
English Literature, Advanced Maths, Double Science,
History and Drama.
Please say we have at some classes together.
Love you loads,
Emi xxx

As soon as I hit send, I get a reply from my insanely impatient friend. Sighing I open it.

Omg Emi we have English Lit And Drama together I can't wait see you in Lit.
Love you babes,
Mel xxx

Giggling quietly to myself, I feel the presence of someone else. Slowly I look up hoping to find Mel but knowing I won't , I find I am staring into the eyes of the hottest devil alive, Leo. Blushing, I wonder why I would be approached by someone of such high social hierarchy?Wow I just realised how nerdy and sad that sounded. I meant to say I couldn't imagine why the most popular person in school would want to talk to me like Leo was. Wait talking. Dam he really was talking with a confident smirk etched across his face.
"... and have some fun?" He finished.

"What" I questioned.

Rolling his eyes he repeated"I said do you want to accompany me to the janitors closet and have some fun?"

"Um.. I... I just... Um.. I mean.. why would.." I stuttered nervously until I saw Tyler, Kayden, Liam and Blake laughing like maniacs whilst watching me and Leo. Then it hit me this was a stupid bet or dare. Argh how dare he. I'll show him!
Regaining my nerve I tried to calm my blush I said," why so I can give you the satisfaction of winning. Not so fast I'm not a who're or a slut like everyone else in the school. Now you and your gigolo friends can go and never bother me again."

He just looked at me and looked and looked until he realised what I said, smirked and walked off but not before saying" just you wait baby doll, I'll get you and you will fall so much father than the others then you'll be mine. You have my word." Yeah right like that's gonna happen. Snorting at the likelihood of this I gathered my stuff and walked to my tutor room ready to find out who's in my tutor for the next year.

Entering D2 my new tutor, I'm surprised almost everyone's there already. I quickly grab the only vacant table so I can sit alone and scan the class for anyone I know. Oh no, no no no no no. This cannot be happening. Across the class I spot Chelsea and Ethan, I have spent the entire summer dreading seeing them. At the sight of them, my hands automatically raise to my face where I have encountered many split lips and black eyes before. Ethan spots me and nudges Chelsea who looks over and smirks. I look down at my desk.

Let me just explain a few things to you, Chelsea Diamond and Ethan Baker have been dating since year 8 up until now, Year 11, and are the most popular people in the school ,barring the Top Four and Leo of course, and as the power couple they make it their jobs to torture me. I don't know why but let's just say they hate me.

Looking up, I see Chelsea sashaying over here with Ethan in tow.
" Omg Emilia how are you. I have missed you." She said in a sickenly sweet voice.
"Much better before you got here" I muttered.
"What was that?" Ethan asked in a menacing tone.
"I said I'm good Chelsea what about you?" Smiling nervously.
Don't lie to me bitch. I heard what you said." She spat
"Why ask then" I said to myself quietly
"Really, really?!? You know we were gonna be nice and forget everything you've done to us in the past but now get ready for the worst year of your life." She hissed, voice laced with venom. And with that she walked away hanging off of Ethans arm.

Shortly after the bell rang, Miss Batterham walked in claiming to be our substitute in a sour manner. I internally groaned along with the rest of the class due to the fact Miss Batterham was the most strict horrible teacher in the entire school. She started explaining the school expectations and rules when no other than Leo walked in.

"Mr. De Anderson, would you kindly explain why you were late." She asks crossly.
"Why certainly, Miss Batterham," he said turning on his 'charm'. "You see I had to go have a word with the Principle and it took a bit longer than anticipated."
"Do you have a note?" She demanded.
He handed her the note. She nodded.
"Since you were late Mr. De Anderson, you no longer have a choice on where you sit so please go sit besides Ms Rose and I don't expect to hear a peep out of you for the remainder of tutor. Am I clear?" She asked
He nodded smugly looking proud of himself.

I ,however, was on the verge of a mental breakdown, as he sat down I groaned aloud and began hitting my head of the table earning a cross scolding from Miss Batterham.

As soon as Miss Batterham finished scolding and carried on with our PSHE lesson, Leo turned to me and said
"Hey there, baby doll"


Hey guys,
Sorry for the wait but this week has been stress ful to say the least. I found out I'm getting a new neighbour who just happens to be a certain annoying ginger who goes to my school and is dating my bestie. God help me. Anyways hope you enjoyed it. I'm having trouble wording my thoughts and I'm trying not to put too much in at once so the story will be longer. Please comment and vote for the story. This is my first. For those who don't know I'm 13 btw. This is 1116 words long and next chapter will be a Leo P.O.V so keep checking to see if I've posted. I might post tomorrow but not sure. Anyways thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed. Ooh and comments any plot twist ideas.bye bye for now.
Love you all,

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