Band T-Shirts

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"Kyle, bubby! It's time to get up! Stan is outside!"
I groan loudly and flip over to check the time. 6:30. Dammit Stan, I knew you wanted an early start, but why couldn't we get there later in the day; I needed beauty sleep.
I pulled on my normal green hat I still surprisingly had from elementary school, a pair of ripped jeans and a Pink Floyd t-shirt. My mom had packed everything else the night before, and stuffed it all in a duffel bag. She hated the way I dressed now that I was into rock music. I had stocked up on all these shirts at Hot Topic and F.Y.E., and the day I came back with them, mom wasn't happy. So she made sure to take all of my 'nicer' clothes (the ones that doesn't have a band on them) and stuffed them in there. Last night I took out maybe two and put some of my own picks in there.
"Kyle! Come on!" Mom yelled again.
"Yeah mom!" I called back. I shoved the duffel bag over my shoulder and shut the door to my room, then ran downstairs.
Mom, and Dad were downstairs and hugged me right away. Ike was still sleeping. I couldn't blame him. Dad gave me a piece of toast since it was gonna be an hour drive at the minimum and I haven't eaten anything.
"Have a wonderful time in Colorado Springs," Mom said and pulled me into a hug. She brushed my hat and my hair back and kissed me on the forehead. Mom loved my hair.
"I seriously gotta go. It's nothing against you, just that Stan is waiti–"
"No! Please, go ahead! Enjoy yourself! We'll see you in a week little man." Dad held up a cup of coffee in my direction and that was my cue to leave. I opened the door to see Sharon and Randy's minivan outside.
"Good morning Kyle!" Randy greeted me and unlocked the door to the far back seat, where Stan was, barely awake.
"Kyle!" Stan groggily exclaimed, trying to be glad I was here.
"Hey dude."
"We still have to pick up Kenny and Eric. There's snacks in the back for you boys since it'll be a long drive," Sharon said from the passenger.
"I've got a piece of toast for now, thank you Mrs. Marsh."
"Alright. But if you get hungry, please don't hesitate to get some Oreos."
Sharon and Randy were like my second parents and I couldn't even call Stan my best friend. Stan was literally my brother. We had our moment when we fought, or when we argued about which episode of Terrance & Phillip was better, or hell, when there was that time in sixth grade where we fought over the same girl. But I couldn't ask for anyone better than him.
"So, Colorado Springs, huh? Ever been?" He asked.
"First time. You?"
"Millions of times. It's a long drive, but it's really cool there. I don't wanna spoil it for you."
"I'll take your word for it."
We pulled up to Cartman's house. Kenny had slept there the night before, since he didn't want to live in the shithole he called home. Mrs. Cartman was outside, waving to Randy and Sharon. She got out of the car to go talk to her. Randy looked over at us from the driver's seat.
"You boys excited?"
"Jesus Christ dad, how many times must I say, I'm really excited. You happy?" Stan remarked at him.
Randy mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't tell what it was.
A couple minutes later after Stan and I had started a game on Smash Brothers, out ran Kenny and....Cartman?
I hadn't seen him since the end of the school year, which wasn't that long ago, maybe six weeks. He seemed thinner. Not Stan or my weight, but definitely thinner, he lost maybe about twenty pounds. I mean, that's twenty out of like, 200, but still.
I was proud of him, and also glad I was still able to call him fat ass.
He and Kenny climbed into the seats right in front of us. "Hey fags!" He said energetic as he put on his seatbelt.
His personality didn't change, I see.
Sharon waved goodbye to Liane, and she made her way to the door.
"Now Eric, you're going to be good for Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, right?"
"Jesus Christ, mom! I know for the eighty-second time!"
For some reason I felt as if he had been correct about her actually saying that 82 times.
"Alright. I just can't believe my little boy is finally going on a big trip without me!" She leaned over and gave him a huge kiss on the cheek. "See you in a week, Poopsykins!" She said as she came out of the car and shut the door.
"Gross!" He wiped the red makeup his mom left on his cheek on his Terrance and Phillip shirt, which I can't believe still fit him, and scowled.
"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked.
"What the fuck happened to me what?" He asked.
"You! What, Cheesy Poofs shot up in price and your poor ass mom can't get them for you anymore?" Stan chimed in.
"I'm trying to impress Wendy. Maybe by the time school starts I can find a way for her to bang me."
"Oh shit!" Kenny exclaimed and gave him a high five, and Stan got red faced and that shut him up.
I was surprised at how calm Randy and Sharon were with us just yelling swears at each other. Cursing was kinda seldom in my family, so every time Cartman or Kenny was in my house I had to remind them to keep their mouthes shut.
"We're going to your house, Kenny, just to let your parents know that you're okay," Randy called from the driver's seat.
"Yeah." He said, muffled. It wasn't winter, but Kenny still found a way to muffle his speech–putting a bandana over his mouth. I don't know why he liked not being able to be heard. Who knows.
Cartman pulled out earbuds and plugged them into his phone and pressed each one into his ear. Before he played his music, I threw the Oreos Sharon left for us at him.
"Hey, Miley, why don't you eat something?" Stan teased Cartman.
"Okay, what the literal FUCK is wrong with you people? First you tease me for being fat and I lose a couple pounds and now I'm a skinny bitch?" He scowled at us.
Stan and I had no clue what to say. But Kenny did.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, if you really wanna get it with a girl, now you can go skinny dipping with her!"
Cartman slugged him in the arm as Stan and I, the assholes of this trip, were crying from laughter.

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