Chapter 7

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As soon as the release bell rings I can't get out of there fast enough. My feet dragging me out of there, they didn't stop when Natalie called my name, they didn't stop until my bedroom door flung open, and I found myself safely inside.

Castor had found a way to be close to me all day. He didn't talk, he just stood or sat, close enough that he'd know I could feel him. He would look at me, stare deeply, do little things to catch my attention, but he didn't dare say a word.

I walked back to my door and slammed it, I leaned against it and lock it, and slid to the floor, finally letting the tears fall. I tuck my knees up to my chest. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to find comfort in warmth. Every few minutes a bubble would float up, but it couldn't take it away.

I heard a door close slowly, and footsteps walk over to my door. Katie whispered my name, once, twice, a third time before I could hear the sound of her also sliding to the floor, back to mine through a door.

"I hope you know he's not worth it. Anything he said to you I know it's not true, and I believe that because he doesn't know you, and nothing he could say from knowing you could hurt you. Please don't cry Atria, not over him. Castor is dumb, he's arrogant, and selfish. He hurts people because he thinks that it's funny, don't let him make a joke out of you, and let it dampen the light you are finally letting show. Just know he's not worth it, but you are."

And then we just sat there, basking in each others company, her letting me know she was there, even when I couldn't let her be.


A week passes in my annoyance, every morning starts the same, reading pages, and answering questions, filtering out the words of Castor trying desperately to get my attention. He didn't give up, his words seeming softer, more urgent, more sorry.

Monday rolled around, and I felt more in control, as it my undying focus had really affected something in me. I snapped my fingers and a small array of bubbles flew out from my fingers, leaving a small smile on my face.

My new control sparked an idea as I searched around my room, pulling out makeup, and a small curling wand.

Twenty minutes later my hair fell curled at my sides, bouncing as I rolled lipstick over my lips in the mirror, from the spot on the floor I'd been sitting in the whole time.

I sprung to my feet, checking that I've got everything for the morning.

I've already finished up until chapter eight. That's what ignoring my class distractions has allowed me to accomplish.

I exit my room and get a whistle. My cheeks redden as I turn to Katie.

"I like it. You always look pretty, but this is different. It's good. Is this for Luka?"

I shake my head. I bite my lip. I look down at my denim coloured dress. Little black buttons lead from my ribs to the top. A red braided belt, matching perfectly with my flats, and my lips. I spin around as she laughs.

"I like it too."

She slips over to me and links our arms, just like any other day. 

"I'm glad you're feeling better." she whispers right before we leave the room.


I walk into English and I swear I hear a book drop, and hit the floor with a small smack. Someone runs up to me quickly. He drapes a jacket over my shoulders. It's warm and comforting, but I don't want warm and comforting. Especially not today.

"Now dear Bubble Tea, you really should be covering your shoulders. You never know who's attention you'll be getting."
I shrug the jacket off and walk to my seat. I turn and roll my eyes.
"Whatever Yoda, why would you care about an ugly girl like me? I mean just cuz your jacket'll distract from my face, doesn't mean I want it." I make the same gesture he had.

I keep walking and take my seat. Too far away to hear his mumble.
"That's not what I meant. That's not what I meant at all. I've screwed up."

He walks over. He sits down and sets his head in his hands. I steal a glance at him. At his pale skin contrasting his dark blue shirt. He runs a hand nervously over his hair. But I decide he doesn't deserve my worry, and drag my eyes away.

I walk into science at the exact moment Luka looks up. His eyes widen. Then he smiles. Someone clasps my shoulder suddenly, cold fingers meeting my skin. I spin quickly, facing Mitchell, suppressing a laugh but failing miserably.
"Your frightened face is the best, oh my gosh. I wish I'd got it on camera."

I smile and stick my tongue out at him.

"But seriously. I like your dress. It's very you." He says walking to his seat. I scrunch up my nose at him and smile again. I follow his steps and take my own seat in front of him, beside Luka.

Luka just stares at me, unwavering, a feeling I like. I tilt my head. We sit staring for a little longer. I notice his eyes are mostly light brown, but up close you can see dark tints swirling around.

"You have pretty eyes." He whispers. 

Then louder for everyone else. "Look what I can do." He says then twists his arm around several times. I break our stare on instinct, looking away seconds after his actions, too late for it not to be ingrained in my mind.

"Eww, eww Luka that's disgusting!"
I hear giggling in front of us from Natalie and Katie, I lightly kick Katie in front of me. She kicks me back lightly. Turning back with a bright, knowing smile.

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