Chapter 15

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I wake up the next morning and spring to my feet. I feel my entire body warm. My stomach starts to tingle. I spin around out of pure energy. Then I fall back on my bed.

I'm so tired!!! Why the hell do we have to wake up so early! I slowly get back up. I fall forward onto the carpet. I don't even bother to get up again. I just drag myself to my closet with my great upper body strength.

I realize slowly that I have to get up in order to open my closet. I stand up and rub my eyes. What I'd give for another hour of sleep. I slip on a red dress and turn around, filled with a desire to fall back into bed. But instead I brush my hair, and apply my makeup.

"Katie!!!! I wanna sleep!!"

She giggles. I see her highlighting stuff.

"Did Castor freaking drug you?"
She asks laughing.
I shake my head.
"No he was a complete gentleman."
I start to wobble lightly. I grab the counter.

"Yep drugged. Here!"
She tosses something to me. I catch jt, wobbling a bit again.
I look at the pill.
"Artificial energy?"

She nods.
"Are you still studying?"

"I'm sorry we're not all fantastic at science."

She exclaims going back to her last minute studying for our science quiz.

I toss the pill in my mouth and pour a glass of water. I chug it and fall to the ground.

The last thing I hear is a knock on the door and a scream.

I wake up on the couch. Two faces above me. I blink a few times. Their features coming into focus.

Strawberry blond hair. Freckles. Big brown eyes. Small nose. Big mouth.

I turn my focus.

Golden brown hair. Light skin. Broad shoulders. Flaming blue eyes. I get a bit lost looking at him.

I reach up and put my hand around his neck. I pull myslef up and him lower. I'm inches away from his face, I can feel his hot breath. He sucks in a shaky breath. I flutter my eyes closed.
"Did you drug me?" I ask opening them again.

I drop my hand. I sit up smiling. But my head starts to hurt from moving so fast.

"No. You probably ate something bad. Come on, we've got class."

I slide my foot off the couch, Katie grabbing my arm for support. I start to wobble again.

"Here, I've got her Spark Plug, you just go to class." Castor says scooping me into his arms. I rest my head against his chest, it feels warm, and it spreads through my body. I hear the door close and it snaps my attention.

Castor slowly makes his way to the door, I catch the clock. We've still got ten minutes left.

"Ms Ansten's gonna be mad..."
I whisper into his chest.

"She loves you, but she'll be frustrated that you can hardly walk."

"Ugh I have a science test today too."

"Does your brain still work?" He asks laughing.

"Not any less than usual."

"Then you'll be fine. If you need me just call. I've got to make up for my comments some how."

"Oh yeah free butler."

He chuckles as we enter the auditorium. People turn to look at us confused. Some eventually grow into smirks. I furrow my brows. Ms Ansten eventually turns to see what everyone's looking at. She starts to clap.

"Now that's more like it." She says smiling.

"Actually Ms. I came by to pick her up like a gentleman, so I could prove we had made a difference." I look up at him. Now him being there made sense.

"But she fainted. Katie had to get to class not that she could have really helped, so I had to carry her. She couldn't walk."

Ms Ansten let's out a slow, agitated breath.
"Let her down, maybe she's better now."

He nods and lightly lowers me to the ground. I try to stand. Someone runs up to me holding a bottle of water. I lean against Castor and chug it slowly.

I stand up straighter, I wobble a bit and try to walk. It works fairly well. I wobble a bit and I feel Castor's arms grab my sides. I turn to him and smile.

"I think we're set Ms Ansten!" I call.

"Hit the stage darling! We've already lost five rehearsal minutes!"

I practically fall into my seat at lunch. I grunt. I look around and everyone has a look of panic.

"Guys I'm fine."
I say holding my hands out.

I look around the table, Mitchell, Natalie, Katie. I scrunch up my face confused. I look around and what my eyes find, I wish they hadn't.

Xavier is too tables over, sucking face with a girl with beautifully curled black hair. My stomach starts to hurt and it spreads over my body. I turn back and Mitchell grabs my hand from beside me. He just holds it and occasionally squeezes it. It makes me smile. I look up at him, smiling lightly.
"I'm sorry" He mouths. But he doesn't let go of my hand because he know I need it right now.

Katie and Natalie are talking but occasionally make small glances to make sure that I'm ok. In those seconds I try to assure them that I really am.

"Castor!!!" I yell walking out of training. He walks up behind me, setting his chin on my shoulder.

"Yes Oh Great Bubble Queen?"

"I'm tired...can you carry me?"
He walks around to stand in front of me. I tilt my head up at him. He bends down and wraps his arms around my legs, hoisting me up onto his shoulder. I hut his back lightly.

"Castor! You knew what I meant!!"

He laughs and I move up and down a bit.
"I'm carrying you. Would you like me to drop you?"

"No." I say and quickly stop hitting him.

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