third description thing: my cousin's birthday dinner

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Laughter drifted through the air, from both children and adults. Four young children ran through the house, screeching and giggling all in good fun. The women chatted in the kitchen while supper cooked and the four brothers joked around throughout the house, teasing and shoving each other around. The smell of bacon permeated the space, sizzling on the stove with green beans. Brownies waited on the counters to be consumed later with colourful ice cream, and pop sat in ice in a cooler for easy grabbing. Fans blew in the windows to ward off the humidity that had settled in earlier while the oven was on. The cat scampered up the stairs to hide from the children, barely escaping with her fur intact. The front door opened as friends stopped by to say hello, a friendly smile in place.

Laughter from the quiet one sent smiles to the others' faces, even though she hid away from most of the bustle.

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