What Having Depression and Anxiety Feels Like

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Soft music plays from the speakers, and a fan on the ceiling stirs the air. The mood in the room is difficult to recognize. While the music (a light classical mix from a station on TV) wouls suggest relaxation, the lone girl in the room struggles to stay calm.

Her mind storms, though you can't tell from looking at her; her face stays passive, even with a hint of a smile on her lips.

In her mind, a war rages. Helplessness fights with Confidence, while Anxiety distracts the latter. Hopelessness slashes at Faith, keeping Emotions at bay and allowing Numbness to settle in. Frustration eats away at everything while Irritability helps by chilping away at Patience. Fear watches from above, sending his own bolts of Uncertainty whenever and wherever he sees fit.

The battle inside makes the girl's head pound with a pain regular medicine can't help, and her stomach churn with a nauseousness that can't be calmed through normal means. Her muscles hurt, even though she hasn't done any actual physical activity. Not that she has the energy to do so anyway; all her willpower is focusing on keeping the inner battle in. She can't even cry to relieve the tension, the urge just isn't there.

The only time a tear does slip down her cheek is when she finally drifts to sleep after hours of staring at the dark ceiling.

The only time a tear does slip down her cheek is when she finally drifts to sleep after hours of staring at the dark ceiling

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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