Nueva Ecija

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Name: Nueva Ecija [Central Luzon, Philippines]

Human name : Bartolo Leonardo Villanueva

Appearance : Blackish and brownish hair up to the back of his neck, tan skin, his eyes is always closed in a happy way and has same color of his hair. Tallest in Central Luzon. Wears a grayish-blue long sleeve shirt that is bigger than his size. Another white t shirt to cover his nose and mouth during farming. Has a long loose brown pants and black boots. A farmer hat also. He also has 'lilek' with him so watch out.

Personality: Care-free, brave, always tells jokes, serious at times, responsible at farming.

Like : Farming, fried frog and rat, going outdoors, napping, doing outdoors chores (cutting grasses etc). His crush 😂.

Dislike: Pollutions, war, colonization, people that are noisy.

Nueva Ecija: Hahaha, why do you need to include the crush?
Admin: Because I want to, problem? :v
Nueva Ecija: Just don't tell them...
Admin: His crush is /

The connection is disconnected. Please try again.

Admin : Flame_Deathzs

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