The Beginning

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There are wolves, majestic creatures that live in the northern parts of Canada. Then there are Werewolves, or children of the moon, that change from a human, to an ugly beast during a full moon.  No one has ever mentioned or heard about the combination of the two. They are called...

"Paige!" Andria whispered to me urgently.

"What do you want? I was just getting into my book." I knew she wasn't paying attention though. She was probably going to ask me about what store we should go in next in our tiny town mall. It only had about three good stores in it if you asked me.

"It's Kale! He's coming over to us! Does my hair look all right?" I rolled my eyes. That was just what I needed, another distraction. No matter what was going on, she would always take time to make sure she looked perfect for her new crush of the week, Kale Lotterson. He was bout 6ft tall with light blue eyes, light brown hair, ripped, and nicely tanned skin. Who wouldn't want a shot at that? Andy coughed, bringing me back to reality. She looked at me impatiently when I didn't answer.

"You look fine Andy. Now leave me be, I want to read father's book." She pushed up her russet curls with her petite hands; my little sister was such a girly girl. She was beautiful in every way, and most guys would agree with me, everyone except Kale. He hadn't taken one glimpse at her all week since he got back from helping his Uncle out in Ontario. Everyone could tell that it was driving Andy nuts.

“Well, fine. If you want to be a book worm and not flirt with hot guys with me so be it." I know as a 17 year old girl, I should be interested in boys, but I wasn't. Sure I would flirt with the odd guy but I couldn't help myself when my father found one of our family's books. Needless to say it was pathetic that my 13 year old sister was hitting on guys my age. "Hi, Kale."Andy said in a very obvious girly type of voice.

"Hey Andria, hey Paige." I didn't dare look up from my book. I knew that if I did he would be staring at me and that for sure would send Andy over the edge.

"Hey." I said hiding my blush behind the cover. Oh god I hope he didn’t see.

"So, I was wondering, Paige, if you had any plans for this weekend? I was thinking…maybe you and I could hang out?" Oh no here we go. Andy is going to kill me if I say yes, and I know I won't have the will power when I look into his light blue eyes.

"I don't know. I'll have to check and let you know later." Andy is totally going to owe me for this.

"Oh, okay. I will see you guys later then?" he said, disappointment written all over his sexy features. Whoa, where was my mind going!

"Sure." we both answered.

"Ok, see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye!" Andy nearly shouts. I just waved to him, still not looking in his direction. "Oh Paige, thank you so much, but I wouldn't have blamed you if you said yes though ."

"And why is that?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, no offense but it is not every day you get asked out by one of the hottest guys in school sis, and I think he likes you a lot. I see the way he looks at you." Please not her little blurb about how I should go after a guy that has already left and thinks that I'm putting him off.

"Well, we will see him at the town winter festival tomorrow. If we aren't snowed out. I'll tell him then. Maybe we could go on a double date?" I smiled; I knew she wouldn't resist that answer.

"Of course! We can buy outfits right now!" What did I just get myself into? "Come on, we still have an hour before supper time. We can even be a little late for supper. Mom won’t mind, much." She turned to give me one of her heart breaking smiles. The one that always arrived when she planned to go against the grain a little.

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