Chapter 2

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He smiled with pleasure as I tugged on his jacket and shirt harder than necessary, and I pulled my lips into a hard line. It was the only thing I could do to keep my mouth from not looking like a fish, gaping wide open at him. I ripped his belt off and threw it to the ground, and looked up to his face  wondering what the next move was. All he was wearing was his dress pants which I was not taking off him. He replied my questioning eyes with a bigger smirk. I answered that by crossing my arms over my chest. Making sure to make my kahoonas pop out more as punishment for him. By his reaction, I could tell it worked; a smile of my own crept across my face. The smile was wiped completely off his face by then, making my own grow.  "I think enough punishment has been handed out tonight." He stated. All traces of humor and games from before had disappeared. His remark brought a few snickers from the audience that I forgot we had.

He stepped back from me and started to slip off his pants. I couldn't believe that my parents were letting him do this in our living room. What was going through their heads?!!!! I hadn't realized my sister was standing there until Kale called upon her. "Andria, may I have that towel please?" he asked holding out his hand.  She gave it to him silently and ran back to her chair. What kind of sister was she, leaving me here all alone? Kale's father walked in with the shorts and sat back in his place on the couch. Kale wrapped the towel around him as if he just got out of the shower. I watched curiously as he started to shimmy down his ….. boxers?!! What in the HELL was he doing in my living room half  NAKED?!! Seeing my sudden shock he further explained, "You didn't believe me baby doll, so I'm gonna show ya." With those last words the air started to shift around him and fur started to appear on his body. Within seconds the black wolf that I had saw from my window has standing nose to nose with me. 'He was a wolf.' was the final statement in my head before everything went black.


As I slowly came back to consciousness, I could hear voices bickering. "What in the hell do you think you are doing Kale!? You made the Princess faint. She is never going to be willing to return to the palace now!" Father.

"SHE NEEDED TO SEE FOR THE HUNDRETH TIME!!!! SHE IS IN FACT ONE OF US, AND YOU KNOW THAT GREG! SHE IS JUST GONNA HAVE TO GET USE TO THE FACT THAT SHE WILL BE TURNING INTO A WOLFAND RULING CREATURES LIKE OURSELVES! WHEATHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT!" Kale screamed at my father. No, he had no right to treat my father like that. My Father was the man of the house and demanded respect. I tried to talk, but all that came out was a pathetic whimper. Instantly I felt lots of hands and voices trying to sooth me, but only one voice stuck out, Kale's.

"Is she alright; what happened?" He asked angrily. Was he concerned for me. I felt him caressing my cheek, since there were sparks and warmth flowing through my veins. Immediately my eyes shot open and was being looked down upon by the others. My eyes automatically finding Kale in his basketball shorts from school.

"You stay away from me, you here! I don't want anything to do with a werewolf." I said pointing at him. He just chuckled.

"My dear, but as the story was told, you are the princess of this kind. Therefore meaning that your also a wolf that shifts." That thought triggered a switch in my head. It felt like I was born to lead. That I was two beings, when a thought popped in my head.

"Then how come I haven't shifted yet?"

"My dear, wolves shift for the first time on midnight of their eighteenth birthday. You are only seventeen. Before you shift though, we must find your mate to make the shifting less painful for the first time."

"Well what's a mate?"

"It is your soul mate. The only person in the universe that completes you. They are the person you will love unconditionally for the rest of your life." As he said that, his eyes took on a different tone. They were filled with so much passion as he spoke.

"Well…Whose my mate?"

"Paige, can you please just come off the bookshelf and we can ask questions over coffee." I looked around to realize that Kale was in fact right. I was on the bookshelf, that had to be at least eight ft high. Before I could ask the question Kale answered, "Pre-werewolf strength." As he walked out to the kitchen with a smirk. I hopped down with ease and followed him. After brewing the coffee, Kale and I sat down at the kitchen table with two steaming cups. This was going to take awhile.

It was about ten o'clock at night and I could already feel the toll that  the day had on me as my eye lids began to droop. I tried to stay as alert as I could to have all of my questions answered. "How should we start?" he asked looking a little confused.  

"I'll ask the questions and you answer them to the best of your ability, and so help me if I find out if you are holding out on me…." I threatened.

"I will try my best." He smiled as he interrupted my little rant. I thought on which question I wanted to ask first, so I asked the one that was burning a hole in the back of my mind.

"Whose my mate?" He stared at me blankly.

"We don't know. Whoever it is, we better find him before your eighteenth birthday, or there is a higher chance that you will not survive the shifting. I can tell you right now that whoever he is, he sure is a lucky guy." he wiggled his eyebrows and gave me a cocky smile.

"Drop the cliché and lets continue." I said dryly. "Will I have to return back to the palace?"

"Sooner rather than later." he replied.

"Is my sister a Merewolf?" I asked

"Yes, and with time you will be able to tell humans apart from other beings with your senses."

"My senses? What will happen to my senses?" I questioned, as the gears in my brain started to work overtime.

"As natural as the shifting process is, your senses are enhanced because of your wolf. She will also be able to talk to you within your head. With that being said, you will be able to talk to other pack members through your mind link and to your mate separately."

"Is that all?"

"Yes for now you should get some sleep; we have a lot to ketch up on within the next few days."

"Alright. Well goodnight." When he didn't make a move from his spot, I couldn't help but be a little shocked. "Well are you going to go home? (or stay here?" I asked jokingly.)

"Well, actually there is the one last thing I have to tell you."

"Well, what is it then?"

"I'm your personal guardian which forces me to stay with you  where ever you are at all times." Could this night get any more interesting for me?


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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