Chapter Three

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"Amelia, sit up straight, dear," the Queen instructed her daughter.

She forced a smile as Amelia obeyed, straightening her back while she readjusted her long white gloves for what seemed like the millionth time. It was something she did when she was anxious.

Here they were, waiting for this so-called Prince Gregory to meet the woman he was betrothed to. Her parents couldn't have known anything more about him than the fact that he was rich and powerful. But those were the best qualities to look for in a husband, right?

On her right her father sat, waiting just as patiently as the rest of them for the royal family of Isles to waltz in through the door. He looked menacing, even when relaxed, which should've scared Amelia more than it really did. She stared intently at the crystal tiara on the table in front of her, which she rarely wore. It was only brought out for special occasions, like today.

"Your majesties," one of the maids, Beth, bowed when she entered the room. "They are here."

"Smile, dear," the Queen said hurriedly, adjusting her own dress and Amelia's as they stood up from their seats at the table. "And be ready."

In through the door they walked, the King first, then his wife, and finally, their son. Gregory was tall and slim, with blonde shaggy hair and almost grey-colored eyes. He appeared kind on the outside, but she knew on the inside all he cared about was the royal title. She bowed anyway, like she was taught to, and showed her respect.

"Amelia," he said with a sly grin, taking her hand into his. He kissed it and said, "It is truly my pleasure to meet the woman to be my wife."

She faked a smile and pulled her hand away, trying not to look as disgusted as she really felt. "An honor to meet you," she said snidely, attempting to hide her sarcastic tone, but apparently, it was a little too obvious. Her mother nudged her from behind and laughed it off casually.

"Erikson, your daughter has really grown into a beautiful woman," the King of Isles announced, patting her father on the back. "And your wife as well!" He laughed loudly, voice booming around the room, as the Queen of Isles rolled her eyes.

"Charles," King Erikson began, "Still cracking jokes, are we? Now, tell me about that Trade Federation you've created." Together, they walked away and began talking about the politics in the country.

"Helena, my dear, how have you been?" the Queen of Isles asked her mother and embraced the woman in a hug. "We have much to discuss."

The two ambled off and chatted about as well. That left Gregory and Amelia alone.

"I can show you the garden if you'd like," Amelia said, trying to break the awkward silence. She normally wouldn't act so shy, but under these circumstances, she knew she had to do anything to make her parents content.

"That would be alright," Gregory nodded, holding his hands together behind his back as he followed her outside.

The gown her maids had accustomed for this occasion was a light pink, which matched the flowers growing on the bushes outside. It was simple, which Amelia liked, so that it looked like she wasn't purposely trying to show off to the Prince or anything of that matter. Though there wasn't much to show off anyway.

"I'm not going to pretend that this is something I want," Gregory said as he walked beside Amelia, studying the plants around him. "My parents are only doing this for the money."

"Mine as well," Amelia agreed, feeling somewhat relieved. "We don't have to do this."

Gregory scoffed. "What? Of course we do. We have no choice."

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