Honey, You Were an Accident

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  • مهداة إلى Voldemort. Happy Birthday, bro!

For a while, everything was quiet. Ainsley looked at everyone, and they looked back at her. With the way that they were looking at her, Ainsley thought that they knew something that she didn't. Of course, thought Ainsley, they probably do.

"Ahem," the centaur cleared his throat, "could Ms Oliver come with me to the Big House, please."

Ainsley stumbled a couple of times as she followed the centaur out of the pavilion. A couple hundred pairs of eyes followed her every move. As soon as she got out of the building, the whispers started behind her. Ainsley tried her best not to listen, but some words still came through.


"But how?"

"Virgin Goddess."

"What does this mean?"

It had gotten very cold out since Ainsley had arrived at dinner and she shivered as she made her way up the wooden stairs to the Big House. The worst part was, she didn't even know what she had done wrong.

When she got into the house, Ainsley was lead by the centaur into a comfy living room, the type you might expect to find at your grandmother's cottage. Ainsley chose the chair closest to the fire and sat down.

"Before we get to our discussion, let me introduce myself. I am Chiron the centaur, activities director at Camp Half-Blood," said Chiron.

"Ainsley Oliver," Ainsley murmured into her feet. She had a feeling that this was the real Chiron from the Greek myths.

"Oh, yes, I know who you are," said Chiron, a twinkle in his eye. "After that, I would expect that everyone would know who you are."

"Why? I'm just an ordinary Half-Blood," said Ainsley.

"Oh, but you're not. You are rather extraordinary."

Ainsley looked into the fire. Chiron must be joking, there was nothing special about her.

"Believe it or not, Ainsley," began Chiron, "but you have just made history. When I say history, I mean all the way back to the beginning of Greek civilization."

"Am I the first Canadian Half-Blood?" Ainsley said sarastically.

"Oh Gods no!" Chiron said with a chuckle. "You are the first child of Hecate to be born in, how can I put this lightly? Forever."

He let that sink in for a minute. Forever? There was no way she was the only child of Hecate. There had to be more somewhere.

"Again I must risk hurting your feelings," said Chiron, a look of pity on his face. "You should never have been born. Your mother, Hecate, was a virgin Goddess. She pledged never to have children. I truly have no idea how or why this has happened. I am also very sorry that you must carry this burden. For now, this torch is yours to keep alone."

"So what you're saying is that I was never supposed to be born?"

"The truth hurts, Ainsley"

"So there are no others like me?" She questioned.

Chiron hesitated before speaking,"probably not, but the fact that you are here makes me question if there are others as well. For your own safety, I must insist that you lay low with the Gods for a couple of days. A few of them could be angry. Mr. D doesn't really care to be honest."

"Mr. D is...?" Began Ainsley.

"Dionysus, God of wine. He was sent down here as a punishment for chasing an off-limits wood nymph. He hates all of you."

"Good to know," said Ainsley.

"Your cabin will be found on the third row. You'll know it when you see it," said Chiron, the same twinkle in his eye.

Ainsley started towards the door. When she opened it, Chiron spoke up again.

"Good luck, Ms Oliver," he said.

Ainsley closed the door behind her and started towards the third row of cabins. She had a feeling that she would need a lot of luck from now on.

A/N Next update might not be for a while. I'm going skiing and after that I have to do some homework. The following is my homework.

~A social studies redo. I hate group projects, especially when you're spending too much time trying to get a certain group member to focus and not enough time actually working. I would have done better by myself.

~ Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, science fair. I hope none of you ever have to do this miserable excuse for learning. All that it has taught me is that I hate science fair. If I ever have to do it again, my topic will be "The Effects of Science Fair on the Teenage Brain: How It Makes Us Crazy."

~ I also have an Language Arts redo. It was a solo project so its my fault. Except for our teacher changed how she explained the project every other day, it was kind of confusing.

When I am done all of these things, a new chapter will magically come up! Wow!

Also, thank you for listening to me rant, I very much appreciate it.

The Forbidden Children- A Heroes of Olympus/ Percy Jackson Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن