Oh No, Not Again

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  • Dedicated to Heather's Amazing Nail Polish

Ainsley woke up feeling considerably better.  Today she could just chill, no monsters to run away from. Plus, she would be able to sleep in the same bed two nights in a row.  She hadn't had that luxury since... since.... Ainsley couldn't even recall when she'd last done that. 

She got out of bed and pulled on the previous night's clothes, she would ask Chiron where she could get some new ones. Ainsley was surprised to see a small, rectangular box in the middle of the room. Presents! Screamed her internal voice. Thousands of reminders from her father told her to look for the card first. She found it on the bottom. Her name was written in Ancient Greek on the front of the letter, though it took her a minute to figure it out. 

Dearest Ainsley, it said in fancy, loopy writing.

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to see you since you were born, but it was for the best. Even from afar, I have always watched your progress with keen interest. I still wasn't much of a mother was I? Anyways, this does not  even come close to making up for it, but I think that you will need this in the near future. It is cherry, eleven and three quarter inches, and real dragon heartstring. Trust me, it will work. Mothers intuition.

Love, Mom

P.S. I saw that you didn't brush your teeth last night. I expect that you brush your teeth every morning and night for two minutes or there will be consequences. Just because I am a Goddess does not mean that I will not parent you, Ainsley Oliver. Do not forget that .

Ainsley didn't know whether she should be happy or angry. On one hand, she finally had a mother. On the other hand, Hecate hadn't been present for most of her life and now she was choosing to  parent? With a sigh, Ainsley turned towards the present.

It took her about five minutes to unwrap the present. Man, she thought, Goddesses sure do wrap gifts tightly. Would it have killed her to use a bag instead? When the red patterned paper was off, she found a small black box. Gingerly opening it, she found a small stick, almost a foot long made of mahogany wood.

A wand.

She picked it up by its intricately carved gold handle. It was exquisite. She felt her mind buzz as she held it. This would work, no doubt about it. 

"Thanks mom," she said. " I promise that I will brush my teeth from now on."

A warm breeze swept through the cabin, picking up the wrapping paper and putting it into the waste basket. The door opened, revealing the gorgeous summer day outside. Ainsley stuffed her wand onto her back pocket and headed outside, shutting the door behind her.

"Ainsley!" Called a multitude of voices from her left.

She looked around and saw a group of girls standing beside the bulletin board at the end of her row. Tanya, Claire, Ashley,  Steph, and the pretty blond girl from the Aphrodite cabin all had nervous, pitiful smiles on their face. 

"What's up?" Ainsley said as she walked towards them.

"Oh we just wanted to see how you were doing after, you know, last night," said Tanya, looking at your feet. 

"And to take you around a typical day at camp," piped up Steph in a cheerful voice. Steph may not have had the typical Athena features with her long mousy brown hair and olive green eyes, but she definetely had the same skinny build and long face.

"Oh, have you met Skylar?' Asked Tanya, gesturing to her half sister.

"I'm Skylar," the girl said. She had long white blond hair, a rosy face, and dazzling eyes. Ainsley couldn't tell what colour they were. 

"Nice to meet you, Skylar," said Ainsley, shaking the girls hand, "I love your nail polish."

Skylar glared down at her hands. The nails had rainbow sparkly nail polish on them."

"It's a funny story actually," said Skylar, a note of irritation in her voice. "This is actually a prototype for the new indestructible nail polish from my mom's new  fashion line, Weapons of Mass Gorgeousness. I say prototype because they haven't quite figured out how to get it off yet. So for now I'm stuck with this."

"Let's get in with the tour, shall we?" Chirped Tanya in a singsong voice. 

The rest of the group nodded and they set off towards the canoe lake. They all took turns explaining different things to her about camp and general half-blood knowledge. The entire group, including Ainsley, was part of a select few half-bloods that didn't have ADHD or dyslexia, they told her.

As they made their way around camp, they told her Percy Jackson's story. It was a gripping tale and it took the group almost two hours to recount the whole thing, including the heroes of New Rome. 

 When they got to the dining hall for lunch, Camp Half-Blood was already starting to feel like home. Everything seemed to be falling in place, she couldn't imagine ever leaving. She was at the buffet table grabbing a sandwich when the hall became suddenly quiet. Ainsley whipped around to see what was the matter.

She saw Chiron standing up from the main table with a surprised look on his face.

"Hail Ashley Smith, daughter of Hera, Queen of Olympus. Hail Claire Morgensten, daughter of Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt."

Claire and Ashley were standing at the Hermes table with the same same expressions on their faces that Ainsley must have worn last night. Above Ashley was a floating white peacock and above Claire, a silver bow.

"Oh no," groaned Ainsley out loud, "not again."

A/N: Oooh! Stuff is gonna get interesting from this point on. I'm pretty much done introducing characters so its QUEST TIME, BABY!! I hope I didn't ruin it for you, but admit it, you saw a quest coming. I was'nt gonna write a story about them at Camp Half-Blood, that would get dull fast. So, yeah, I'll update ASAP.

The Forbidden Children- A Heroes of Olympus/ Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now