20- Sorry

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Broke hearts and Last goodbyes,

Restless nights but lullabies,

Help to make this pain go away,

I realize I let you down,

Told you I'd always be around,

Buildin' up the strength to just say,

I'm Sorry

-Sorry-The Jonas Brothers


Emmy's P.O.V

Day 3 in the hospital. They say the first week is the hardest, they aren't lying. Its terrible, Joey had to go do YouTube stuff, he didn't really tell me the details, I didn't really care. I wasn't mad or anything, its his job. Its not really my job anymore. I love doing YouTube but it just doesn't make me as happy as It use to.

Since Joey was gone Mily came and kept me company. "Thanks for the starbucks." I said. "No problem." I was staring at the crib tube thing Cherish was in, not keeping my eyes off of it. "You're so Zombie like." Mily said. "I'm traumatized, That's all." I admitted. "How long does she have?" "Not sure."

The doctor entered the room. "Oh so your husband isn't here?" She asked. "No ma'am, Why?" I asked. "Well its about Cherish and how we could possibly save her life." She replied. Hope? T-there was hope? "Oh my god! Ill tell Joey to get over here right away!" I beamed. The doctor walked out.

"I wonder how this is going to work!" Mily boomed. "I don't have the slightest clue but I'm excited!"





Joey got to the hospital, Mil left I told her I'd call her when we figured out the news. The doctor walked back in. "Great! You're both here!" She said. "Yes! What's the news?" Joey asked. "Are you guys willing to give up a organ or part of you, Its wont kill you, Just take it away, for Cherry?" She asked. That was a stupid question. "Of coarse anything to keep her alive!" Joey said, I nod an agreement. "Okay we need blood samples, if Cherry can receive your blood type then you guys can donate a kidney because those are what is going to fail first." She told us.

After an hour of blood work and tests the doctor came back in. "Joey you have A positive (A/N:Have no freaking clue if that's his real blood type guys xD) and Emmy you have B positive. Cherry has O negative. She can't receive either of your blood types or organs." She told us. My heart dropped.

"Is there a solution?" I asked. "Have you guys ever thought about having another baby?" Joey and I both look at one another confused. "Well Yea, Not till after marriage when Cherry was a bit older so we didn't have 2 babies." Joey said, once again I nod. "Well have you seen the movie my sisters keeper, that's kind of your situation. You guys try to have a baby and there is a strong possibility that they have the same blood type of Cherry." She exclaimed. "I just don't want to cut up my baby so my other one can live." I said. "Can you give a second?" Joey asked.

The doctor nodded and walked out.

"Joey, I don't know about this." I said. "Em, we have a baby and Cherry can live longer, will have a great family." Joey said. "Yea but I don't want to have a baby out of guilt, what if I don't love it as much as Cherry, what if I have it and it means nothing cause it was planned, its just something I had so we can cut it and save it sister, what if it doesn't feel loved, what if it thinks we didn't want it, we just had it for Cherry." I cried. "Would you ever just not love your child?" She asked. I shook my head. "Of coarse not, planned or not id still love it" I said. "And we will make it feel loved, we will not let it think its just a science project, we will give it love, c'mon Emmy lets do it, for Cherry. " He smirked. I sighed.


For Cherry."


A/N: Go to my profile click on the link and there is the cover for the third book :3

Cherish (Joey Graceffa fanfic) Book:2Where stories live. Discover now