30-Black Keys

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A/N: Guys I love your comments and opinions they make my day XxCouis


She walks away,

Colors fade to gray,

Every precious moment,

Now a waste,

She hits the gas hoping it'll pass,

The Red lights starts to flash,

And black keys never looked so beautiful.

And the lights out never had this bright of a glow.

-Black Keys-Jonas Brothers (a.k.a Emmy & Sawyers song.)


Emmy's P.O.V

"I hate people." I said Carrying Cherry into the livingroom. "Why?" Joey asked. "Because everyone pisses me the fuck off."

I sat down and put my legs in Joeys lap and put Cherish in my lap.

"Do I?" he asked running his hands up my thighs. "No....." "Who is making you upset?" "Mily." I replied. "What is she doing?" "Questioning if Cherry is yours." I said.

"Is she?" he asked. Tears fromed In my eyes. "Why are you questioning it?" I asked.

"Baby I'm not, I was kidding she looks just like me."

I nod in agreement.

"Mily is being a bitch." I said. "Can I tell you something without you throwing Cherry across the room?" he asked. "Of course."

"Her and Sawyer slept together." 'No they didn't." I said. "Emmy they did." He replied.

"So she cheated on my brother?" I asked. He sqeezed my thigh. "Relax babe." he said. "IS FALLON EVEN FUCKING HIS?" I asked. "I don't know." he replied.


"Emmy shhh its okay." he told me. "No Joey it isn't. My brother is my bestfriend the greatest person ever and he is getting played!"

"I'm sorry." he pecked my lips. "We have to tell him." I said. 'Lets give you some time to cool off." he said.

I put Cherry on the ground and walked into the kitchen to get my phone.

I instantly called Jason.

"Hey Em, what's up?" He answered. "Look you have to believe me when I tell you this." "Okay....what is it?"

"Mily kinda sorta cheated on you." I said. There was a long irritating silence.

"Emmy, just because you have relationship issues doesn't mean you need to come in the middle of everyone else's." Mily's voice came trough the phone. "What?" I asked confused.

"Look Emilee don't call me unless your dying, cause I'm tired of you bringing everyone down." And with that she hung up.

Wtf? Tears formed in my eyes as I walked back to the living room.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked. "I-I.." I chocked on my words.

He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. "Joey what did I do?" I asked. "Nothing baby." he kissed my head. "Promise?." "Yes."

I continued to cry. "Shh what happened?"

"Mily is such a bitch! ugh I hate her."

I said walking outside.

"Where are going?" Joey asked. "Across the street! To Sawyers." I walked ito the street.

"EMMY WATCH OUT!" He yelled!

I jumped out of the way as a car zoomed by.

"Been there done that." I sighed and kept walking.

I knocked on Sawyers door.

"Emmy? What are-"

"I know what you two are doing and its not cute so leave me alone." I said walking away.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his house.

"Nice to see you payed me a visit cotton candy." he said. I looked around. "You haven't called me that since my nights in Joeys bed. And movies on the couch." I laughed.

"I miss those days."

I thought about days like that. When I kissed Sawyer and met alot of YouTubers and we all did collabs and I was making money from YouTube and I was happy. L.A was a dream. Now its realty.

"So what are you and Mily pulling?" I asked. "I have no clue what she's doing." he replied.

I norrowed my eyes.

"Uh huh."

He laughs. "Look Em, me trying to get you is over. it was over along time ago." He told me. "Then why are you sleeping with Mily?"

"Because she paid me." "When did this start?" "A little over the time she came to L.A. when her and Jason got engaged." He exclaimed.

That was a while back, she's been cheating on him for so long.

"I'm sorry I accused you of plotting against me." I said. "Can we just be friends Emmy?" He asked. "Yea I'd like that."

We hugged and he held me for along time. Then we started talking about old times. Like when we had drinks with Tyler Oakly and Did a collab together and he and Connor hit on me and he told Connor I was taken by one of the Fine Bros.

"I miss Connor." I laughed. "He misses you too. I told him the truth about you and Joey. Now I owe him 10 bucks."

I laughed.

"Why?". "Cause he said that you and Joey where gonna end up together and I said that you were gonna end up with me, and we would be together forever and you would have the ring I bought you on your finger. You would have my baby and would be happy. But he called It. I have Mel and she is amazing, my everything, sometimes I wish she was you." he admitted

"Sawyer you don't know how many times I wanted to date you and have a happy life with you, but you did me wrong and blew it." I said. "I'm sorry Em. I know you and Joey are happy and I respect that."

I smiled like an idiot.

"Yea we are."

After a couple more minutes I left. Me and Sawyer were freinds and it felt great.

I ran home to Joey. He was playing minecraft and I ran in there and kissed him. Stacy was in there too. Oops.

"Sorry are you recording?" I asked. "Kinda." He blushed. "Stacyanya!" "Emmy!" we said in unison.

"Okay well Ill let you play. haha bye " I said taking Cherish out of her play pen and walking out of the den.

"Well that was embarrassing wasnt it?" I asked her. She just started waving.

"So you can wave now? What else did I miss.?" I laughed.


A/N: I just wanted to say AWH SEMMY MEMORIES! okay bye lol XxCouis

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