The Worst Good News

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[Flashback; 3 years ago]


I clenched on to my clipboard as I listened to the chief of surgery explain how our first day at work was gonna go. Am it nervous? Yes. Do it I think I'm gonna screw up my first day as a doctor? Hell yes.

Though, I don't have too many doubts about myself. I've been practicing my skills in med school for years. It was just a matter of time before I finally got to work in a hospital. This is finally my chance to do what I love, and help save lives.

As you can tell, I'm very excited. Today, I need to be 100% in my game.

"Alright. That was all the instructions. I hope you interns have a good first day. And make sure you all find the resident your paired up with for the day!" The chief wrapped up his speech.

I took the slip of paper he handed out in the beginning of the presentation out of my pocket and opened it up. It held the name of the surgical resident I was paired up with for the day, to show me around and teach me how to do simple things and operations around the hospital.

'Dr. James Alvies'

Fancy. I hope he teaches as good as his name sounds.

I walked over the main desk after all of the interns left to go find their residents. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Dr. James Alvies?"

"That would be me" I heard a voice say. I turned my head to the side. There was a tall, dark haired guy standing next to me, leaning on the desk with a pen in his hand.  The first thing I noticed was the warm smile on his face. Not too big and eccentric, but meaningful.

"I'm Dr. Riley Willet. I'm an intern. It's my first day, and the chief paired me up with you" I explained, with a smile on my face. I tried not to look too distracted by his face.

And his arms of course. Damn, those are nice arms...

"Oh right, I almost forgot today was intern day." He closed the binder he was writing in before I came.  "Lemme take you downstairs. There's a place called the Pit. It's where patients usually come in for simple things like stitches, broken bones, or even just a check up. Follow me"

"Thank you, Dr. Alvies" I grinned.

"Call me James"

He turned around and started walking, and of course I followed. I took a peek at my clipboard, checking to see how long I was supposed to stay with him.

6 hours shift. This is gonna be a long day.

I can't help but say I'm excited to work with him.

[End of flashback]


I woke up from my sleep, jumping as I heard someone call out my name.

I was having a lot of thoughts about Riley. I couldn't stop thinking about all the memories we had together. How what we have can't be lost, not like this.

She's the only person I really have in my life. The only family I have, the only one who understands me. Sure, I have my friends. I have my best friend, but they'll never replace or compare to Riley. She's my everything.

I looked at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I fell asleep.  9:12pm, the clock read. It's been 4 hours since the accident.

Realizing I was in the hospital waiting room, I started to remember what happened...

[Flashback; a little while after the accident]

"LET ME IN!" I yelled at the attending surgeon, who was also my best friend.

He ran down the hallway while pushing the stretcher that Riley was on, alongside 4 other doctors. He was trying to get to an O.R as soon as possible.

"James, listen to me. I know you wanna come into the room while we're operating, but you just broke down minutes ago when you told the general surgeon that you couldn't do this anymore while Riley was basically dying. Now, we have to go do real surgery on Riley or else she'll die. So, you know the rule James, you're sure as hell not gonna operate on her, and you can't be in the room while we do it. End of story."

Shane always had my back. He was an attending and I was a resident, meaning at times like this he was in charge of me. But I can't let Riley go in there alone, without me. I have to be there for her right now and he has to understand that.

"Shane, I'm not gonna wait in the waiting room like all the other normal people waiting to hear the news about whether their loved one is fine or not. Please, just let me stay in there and hold her hand. I'm a doctor, Shane. I can help"

We reached the OR. Shane glanced at me before going in.

"I'm sorry, but you can't help. Not this time. You just have to wait until the surgery is over."

[End of Flashback]

"James? Are you up?"

I rubbed my eyes. When I looked up, I saw Shane standing in front of me. My heart started racing when I saw his face, knowing he just operated on Riley, and he knows whether she's dead or alive.

"Y-yeah, I'm up" I mumbled, sitting up from the chair.

"Wow. You look like a mess. And I um...I have some news about Riley" he said nervously.

My eyes started heating up. She's not gone. She's not dead. She can't be dead.

"Don't say it" I croaked, on the verge of tears.

"James, she's okay. She's not dead"

I felt the biggest amount of relief I've ever felt in my life. It's like everything I was afraid of came to an end. Everything was gonna be okay. My girlfriend is alive.

"Oh my scared me!" I breathed, chuckling a bit while standing up and pulling him into a hug.

He reluctantly hugged me back. ", listen James, there's still something I gotta-"

"I'm sorry man, you were right, I should've just let you operate on her with bothering you. I was a mess. I could barely look at her in so much pain, there was no way I could stay in that room and watch her nearly die. I knew you could save her man, thank you"

He pulled away and adjusted the look on his face. "James, Riley's leg was bleeding out like crazy, and so was her arm. But on her leg, the cuts were so big and it got infected. I wanted to tell you before we did anything"

"W...what?" I grew more tense, nervously looking at Shane as he spoke.

"We have to amputate her leg from the knee down, James. I'm sorry."


(A/N: I really like writing this book. Please vote and/or comment if you liked it❤️ -Thenextstepjiley)

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