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3 days after the accident


" you wanna talk about it?"

It was my fifth time trying to get Riley to reach out to me. She's been silent for days, barely speaking a word. She's been going through shock, and I feel like an idiot for not being able to make her feel better. But she won't let me.

"no." she said quietly.

I rubbed my hands together, looking down at the hospital floor I've been staring at for days, for once not because of my job.

"you barely touched the soup I brought you. Do you want me to get something else? Anything you need I can-"

"no, James. I don't need anything."

She was blank.

I stayed silent for another minute. It felt like there were gaps that lasted forever every time we talked. I felt like she didn't want me in the room.

That didn't change the fact that I had been by her side for the past few days....since the accident.

" have to talk to me eventually" I stated, "you're getting me a bit worried."

She didn't respond. I watched her stare straight at the wall, looking like she had no thoughts going through her head at all.

"I know you're scared. I know things are gonna be hard. I can help you....I'm here for you no matter-"

"you can't help me" she said strongly, "no one can."

[Riley] (Flashback; 3 years ago)

"so long were you in medical school?" James asked, attempting to make small talk as he gave 90% of his attention to his charts he was completing.

"me? oh I went for 8 years. It was a tiring stage full of blood sweat and tears" I joked. He was still distracted by the papers.

I cleared my throat. "So uh...what are we gonna do first?"

"well, here in the pit, like I said we mostly just do stitches and casts. so that's what were gonna do first." he explained.

"you see that boy over there?" He handed me a chart. "here's his info. He's 10, his name is Max kullons, and his x ray just came out saying he had a fractured femur. He's gonna need a bandage and some crutches"

"bandages and crushes-CRUTCHES" I corrected too quickly. "I can handle that! piece of cake."

James laughed under his breath. "Alright then. I'll leave you to it. If you need me, I'll be with the patient across the room."

"okie dokie" I nodded. Yup. I sounded like a 5 year old, I thought to myself.

I walked over to the kid, who was whining to his mom about how he wanted to go home and watch the season finale of the next step. Kids these days will watch anything on tv.

"Hello max, I'm dr. Willet, and I'm going to be putting on your cast today." I said as warmly as I could.

"My son wants to leave fast doctor! He's been complaining all day" his mother said, clearly being in a stress.

"Don't worry, I'll to grab the materials real quick and we can get-"

all of a sudden the heart monitor began going off like crazy.

The boy was having a seizure.

Oh my god..... I had no idea what to do.  I just stood there.

"What's happening?! Someone help my son!" The mother shouted.

James came rushing in beside me. "Riley, why are you just standing there?! Don't you know what to do in the case of a seizure? Hand me the needle in the bottom left drawer, fast!"

I quickly went rummaging through the drawer and took out a plastic bag that was labelled 'seizure dose'. I handed it to James and he injected it into the boy while holding still.  His seizure slowed down and he had passed out.

I could hear the mother shouting to the doctors, asking what was wrong. I didn't expect the boy to even be close to having a seizure. It was completely out of the blue.

"Get him to a patients room, and follow up on his seizure" James told another doctor.

I nervously stood behind James, fidgeting with my fingers. I completely messed this up.

"What happened, Riley? You were supposed to do a simple task and you messed it up. Being blank when someone is having an immediate cardiac problem is something were supposed to report. You could get fired for this!" James said in frustration.

"I...I'm sorry okay. It's my first day and I panicked! I needed someone by my side" I explained nervously.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't report you"

I looked down at my feet, and then back at him, resting my arms against my sides instead of playing with my fingers.

"Because I can do better. I just need someone who can see my potential. Will you be the one to do that?"

(End of flashback)

"Riley, we've been through everything. I can help you. I'm here for you" I pleaded. She wouldn't open up to me.

"You CANT help me" she lifted her blanket off her body, exposing her now half-cut leg.
"Not since this happened."

(A/N: thanks for reading guys, and I'm working on other chapters for my books as well. -Thenextstepjiley)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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