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"Thank ye so much, Mark!" Jack said for the thousandth time that hour, as he entered Mark's car from the passenger side. "This means so much to me!" He threw his bag into the back seat at Mark's suggestion.

Mark quickly glanced over at the younger male from the corner of his eye, as he also entered the car and started up the engine. "Jack, I told you already, you don't need to keep thanking me for something so small." Mark's eyes locked with Jack's sparkling one's, and he found himself momentarily frozen with thoughts of how beautifully colored they were.

"It's not small at all, I know how busy ye are and ye still invite me to ye'r home so warmly." Jack continued, effectively snapping Mark out of his daze so he could turn his complete attention back to controlling the car without distraction and getting them out of the airports parking lot. Mark shook his head slightly to rid himself of any leftover daze that might have lingered before he chuckled at Jack's reply when the words the other male said finally settled into Mark's thoughts.

"Oh, come on, Jack. Why wouldn't I let you stay over at my house for a little while?" Mark scoffed, "I'm not so busy that I couldn't help a friend out."

Jack pouted slightly, with something to say, opening his mouth to do so, but Mark continued instead.

"Plus, it was my idea for you to come down, I knew you needed some time away from home, why would I not allow you to stay with me?"

Jack sighed, "I know, but still, it means a lot..." Mark glanced over to his friend, noticing how he had his head slightly lowered to observe the fingers that restlessly picked at each other in his lap.

Mark pressed his lips together in thought as he paid his parking ticket and left the lot, silence following their ride to Mark's home.

Mark didn't know if the silence between them was comfortable or not, he wasn't very knowledgeable in the class of silence's. Although, Mark did know that Jack wasn't a silent person, he was the exact opposite and the fact that the green-haired gamer kept his mouth glued shut unnerved Mark quite so. Mark's mission? He would bring Jack back to his usual self, no family problems will get in Mark's way to lift Jack's troubling thoughts.

Mark remembers very clearly, getting a call in the early dark hours from a quiet, whispering Jack as he tried to hide the cracking in his voice from wild emotions. Mark felt his grip tighten on the steering wheel while pulling into his driveway as he remembered every quiet whimper the younger attempted to hide while he tried to explain everything that was going on over the phone.

Though, to be honest, even now Mark doesn't know exactly what went wrong, but he knew Jack was utterly devastated and needed something to keep his mind busy... or someone to keep his mind busy? Yeah, someone as goofy and stupid as Mark to keep his mind off things that shouldn't be dwelled upon. Mark quickly shook his head of such weird thoughts before turning off the engine to his car after parking. He turned to face Jack who was back to picking at his fingers again and Mark was starting to wonder if that was something he did when he was nervous.

"We're here. Welcome to my lovely home." Mark said, hurrying to open the car door so he can get out. "I'll get your suitcase from the trunk," Mark said, closing the car door and moving behind the vehicle to fetch Jack's other luggage. Mark closed the trunk, rolling the suitcase next to him. He looked up to already see Jack standing next to him with his bag strapped over his shoulder. Mark gave Jack a smile and watched as he gave a smile back before Mark lead them to the front door.

After getting Jack settled into the guest room, Mark was glad to see him a little more relaxed and comfortable as time went on. Mark hoped that Jack would be able to let himself have fun with his stay here and not worry too much about whatever had him in such a mess. Mark found himself giving Jack another grin, and was blithe to get one equally as sunny back.

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