Chapter 2

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I watched him disappear into his room with a girl. A very pretty one. Who I knew was named Anna Evans, and was a gymnast. I felt that familiar roar of jealousy and tried to quash it with another drink. It didn't help. 

You would think I would be used to this by now. Alex was gorgeous. He had that strong, fit, "Bad Boy" kind of body. The kind that made you want to reach out and touch him. Dark, longish hair that I wanted to run my fingers through to see if it was as soft as it looked. But of course I couldn't. You can't date your step-brother.

I sighed. There were cute guys all over this party. Cute, older, college guys. Just like Alex. Except not the son of my stepmother. And also not nearly as tempting. 

Agitated, I forced myself to turn my back to his door. Which put me staring at the drinks table again. I had stuck to beer so far, but opted for a rum and coke this time. I liked the feeling hard liquor gave me, but not the burn while drinking it, so I had a very careful alcohol to other liquid ratio. Which I changed for now. I still mostly sipped at my drink, but not quite as slowly as usual.

Less than an hour later,  I was done. I wasn't wasted exactly, but I was definitely heading there if I kept this up. It was after one anyway, and I knew the neighbors would be calling the cops if I didn't have everyone out soon. They were kinda cool, which is why they hadn't called yet, but if we kept them up all night, they would start to lose patience with us.

I switched off the stereo to get everyone's attention. I quickly and calmly explained that if you didn't live here, it was time to get the fuck out because I didn't feel like getting arrested tonight. There was some bitching and booing, but they listened. Half an hour later, and slightly more sober (but not by much) I was closing the door behind the last person. 

I walked into my room and shut the door. I realized instantly I wasn't alone. But that was still too late. Hands grabbed me from behind. One around my waist, the other over my mouth. More hands were pulling off my jeans. There was more than one person. I felt panic race through my whole body. Was I about to be raped?

I was moved to the bed. I felt my legs being spread apart and then tied to the bed. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I felt tears, but I blinked them back. I wouldn't cry in front of them. I wouldn't give them that. I wondered where Alex was... did he leave with Anna? Was he passed out? And then I heard his voice.

"Hands too."

He was with them. He was helping them. My shirt was pulled off me, and then my hands were tied too. I lay there, powerless. Helpless. And so afraid. 

I heard some rustling around, and then footsteps. But no one was touching me. I heard the door open, and close again. Then quiet. Had they left? Maybe this was just a really, really bad joke. And then the light came on.

I Lost My Virginity... To My StepbrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ