A Date With Evil

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After my encounter with the Joker, he sent me to my room. I walked back to my room and on the bed I found a black mid-thigh dress and gold heels with a note that said, "-J." Next to them I found navy blue lingerie. I rolled my eyes  at the thought of the joker wanting me to wear this. I picked up the lingerie and walked across the house to the Jokers room.

"What is the meaning of this"I asked in disgust.

He grinned " I see you have found my gift. Me and you are going out to dinner tonight. So, you better behave. That is, unless you want to be punished."

"Okay, but why the lingerie?"

"Because I haven't seen my Harley in a few months after she got sent to the asylum. And hey, I like sex."

"Do you honestly think that I would have sex with you?"

He leaned close to my ear and wispered, "it doesn't matter what you want"

He lowered his head down and started kissing my neck.

"J get off" he ignored me

I tried to push him off, but it was no use. He was too strong. I dug my nails into his back and he hissed and let go.

"Now go get ready" he said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and spun around on my heal and while I was walking out J squeezed my butt. One a pervert always a pervert.

I got dressed and curled my hair. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked down the stair case. The Joker was waiting at the bottom, his mouth slightly open.

"You look.. Stunning." He said, licking his lips. J was dressed in a white suit and black dress shoes, his green hair slicked back as always.

"You look very nice" I said, mostly because I didn't want to get hurt

He linked our arms and we walked outside to a purple Lamborghini. J opened my door for me that jogged over to the drivers seat.

Time skip

We pulled up to a fancy Italian restaurant. We were seated in the very back. A waiter came and asked up what we would like to drink. I ordered a red wine, as did the joker.

"So, what do you think?" He asked.

"I-it's beaut-tiful." I stuttered out, since I was still afraid of him. I knew what he could do to people.

"Ashley, do I scare you?" He asked with a smirk on his pale face. I slowly nodded. He laughed.

The waiter walked over with our wine and food.

We started eating in complete silence. I have decided that this is the most awkward situation I have ever experienced. I chuckle to myself think about what is actually happening. I'm on a date with a psycho killer clown.

"So.. How does it taste?" He asked

"Oh it's amazing. I really appreciate it."

Suddenly we hear a bang on the roof. Down comes Batman crashing through the roof.

"HAHAHA"  the Joker pulls out his gun and shoots at Batman. Batman gets shot in the arm and collapses. Me and the Joker run out of the restaurant without paying.

We run to the car and speed down the highway. The Joker swerves is round cars.  I look in the rear view mirror to see the Bat Mobile right in our tail. I heard a thud on the roof of the car and know that Batman has jumped onto our car.  The Joker drives straight over the guard rail and into the ocean and I am thrown through the windshield. J swims off and away from Batman. As I start to exit through the broken windshield, Batman knocks me out.

Hello! I really hoped you guys liked this once again short chapter. It was very boring and I apologize for that. As the story goes on it will get more interesting. Comment what you think!

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