Flashbacks Pt. 2

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Harley Quinn's Thoughts:

So, by this time, I didn't know where Mr. J was taking me, but I knew, that, WHEREVER it was, it was going to be romantic because, again, he loved me, loves, me. I loved him too, perhaps even more than he loves me. But, my point? He told me that THIS, this was going to make my TRUE self emerge. Haha, I didn't know what he meant by that at the time, but I was interested in who that person inside of myself was.

Doctor Harleen: J-- Joker, where are we going?

Joker: Fear not my dear, we are going to a place where you can find yourself, find your true potential.

Doctor Harleen: What is my true potential?

Joker: That is up to you to find out, Harley.

About an hour or so later, I'm not sure, I lost track of time, I don't know I got lost in Mr. J's eyes that I didn't care where he took me, whether it be In-N-Out, or hell itself, I didn't care because for once in my life whenever I was with him? I could actually be, myself, I didn't NEED to put up a facade, I could BE "Harley."  Oh, just thinking about my Puddin' gives me butterflies, I love him oh so much. Anyways, by this time, me and my Puddin' were at the building, the Ace Chemicals, as it was called. We were at least 2-300 feet in the air, we were high. Haha, I'd like to be high with him. He's the only person in my life I actually care about. But anyways, here's exactly what happened.

Joker: Ah. Here we are darling.

Doctor Harleen: *I looked at the acidic pools* It's pretty high Joker.

Joker: Oh I know. It's needed though. But.... Question?

*I slowly turned around and waited for his question*

Joker: Would you die for me?

Doctor Harleen: Yes.

Joker: That's too easy. Would you-- would you, LIVE for me?

Doctor Harleen: Yes.

Joker: Careful. Do NOT say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power. Do you want it?

Doctor Harleen: Yes.

Joker: Say it. Say it. SAY it. Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty--?

Doctor Harleen: Please?

Joker: Mm, God, you're SO, good.

Doctor Harleen: *drops in*

Joker: Oh. *starts to walk away* *lets out an irritated groans, then throwing his jacket down, he jumps into the acidic pool after Harleen*

He pulled my body from the waist up out of the acid. I was unconscious but he kissed me and I woke back up. We stared at each other for about two seconds and then we kissed for like 5 minutes. Then he started laughing like crazy, funny thing was: it felt normal. Well, OUR definition of normal.

Joker: Ah hahahahahaha!

So that's how it happened. That's how Doctor Harleen F. Quinzel died. It's how Harley Quinn was born. This was, my destiny. My fate. I feel like, for some reason, I was born, to be Harley Quinn. It's who I am. It's who I was meant to be. It's my life. The Joker is my heart. I'll always be there for him, and him for me. But anyways, I've already told you my origin, now let's get back to where we left off....

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