Back At Belle Reve

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Harley Quinn's thoughts:

So after months of being with my Puddin', Lucy's birth, and now things being back to normal, well, OUR definition of, normal, but yeah, after a couple months of all that and being into the fray, things were starting to calm down, things were starting to get good. Or so we thought....

*All the way at Argus*

Amanda Waller: So, that crazy psychopath thinks SHE can escape from Belle Reve and get away with it? Not a chance. Ladies and Gentlemen, this woman is now considered armed and dangerous, you may now pursue with EXTREME caution and prejudice, she is unpredictable and completely one-sided, this is  a shoot-to-kill mission, kill ONLY if necessary do you understand me?

Everyone in the room: Yes ma'am!

Amanda Waller: Good. Mission is a go ladies and gentlemen, I repeat you have a green light on the mission.

Yeah, I thought we actually had a chance to live a free life, but maybe Mr. J was right. Maybe me and my Puddin' COULDN'T have a normal life with Lucy. Maybe we were just, meant to be pursued by the GCPD and Batman and everyone else, I mean what more could we do after that? We couldn't let Lucy grow up into that life. She could if she had different parents, but not while I'm her mama. I'm not letting that happen to her. Anyways, by this point, me and my Mr. J were sleeping on our bed together knowing that Lucy is ok, I heard a knock on the door, I didn't know who it was at the time, but what I DID know? It was gonna be a rude awakening.

Harley Quinn: *I looked through the peephole* *I went on the outside of the door to talk to the person on the other side* Deadshot? How-- What're ya doin' here?

Deadshot: I'm here for you.

Harley Quinn: What do you mean?

Deadshot: *hesitating*

Harley Quinn: Floyd? Don't do this. You and I go way back?

Deadshot: I'm sorry Harley. *knocks her out*

About a couple hours later I'm not sure what happened to me, I didn't know much, but I did know that when I came to, the place looked familiar. That smell, still the same freaking smell, ugh, I hate that smell, smells like concrete and snails. Gross. Anyways, I heard footsteps coming towards me, I've heard those footsteps before. Perks of being a good psychiatrist? You learn who a person is just by listening to the sounds of someone's footsteps, and their voice.

Amanda Waller *walks over to Deadshot's cell* Nice work Mr. Lawton.

Deadshot: All in a day's work. Now, you're still holding up your end of the bargain right?

Amanda Waller: *chuckles* *walks away*

Deadshot: *chuckles*

Amanda Waller: Harley Quinn. Powerful Adversary.

Harley Quinn: Amanda Waller. Relentless tool.

Amanda Waller: Did you really think you can escape without my notice?

Harley Quinn: Yeah.

Amanda Waller: You have another thing coming.

Harley Quinn: Why am I here again Waller?

Amanda Waller: Task Force X. We need you again. I'd rather just kill you right now after you pulled that little stunt of yours. But you're valuable to someone like me. You're expendable.

Harley Quinn: I've heard that before.

A couple hours later we eventually went back to the Activity Grounds where we going to get debriefed for the mission again. Upon my visit I saw the rest of the Suicide Squad there. Even Captain Boomerang, haha, that insane psychopath. But by this point the rest of the soldiers arrived there and it was interesting to say the least.

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