(Dan and Phil Imagine)

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The year is 2037; anouncements are broadcasted on the internet about the same topic. You glance down at your newest IPhone and read the news to your daughter. "Internet personalitys Dan Howell and Phil Lester also known as Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil have passed away." Tears fall down your face as you leave the room. You open the door to the basement and turn on the light. When you make it down the stairs you begin rummaging through different boxes until you find the right one. You pick up a box labeled 'Phan' and you walk back upstairs. Your daughter walks over and places her hand on your shoulder. You open the box as more tears fall; opening the box, you pull everything out. You pull out your old D&P merch and other things like pictures of them.  When you reach the bottom you find your 3 favorite items. Your signed copy of TABINOF, your ticket to TATINOF, and a picture of your teenage self hugging none other then Dan and Phil. Your daughter smiles at the picture and asks "Mom? who were these guys? What did they do to make you love them so much?" you turn to her as yet another tear runs down your face. "Would you believe me if I told you my life changed with one click of a video?" you chuckle then continue. "Dan and Phil." you sigh "where do I begin?" "Dan and Phil were the men who showed me what love and happiness was. These men don't look like much but because of them my life changed for the better. And without them neither of us would be here right now." You smile up at her. "Why is that?" she asks you. Pulling her into a big hug you whisper "They saved my life, they taught me that even if life is hard, you are worth it and you shouldn't give up on yourself." You pull away and and finish your sentence. "And for that I am eternally greatful."


(a/n: ok that was it! It's kinda sad..who am I kidding I was crying while writing it. Anywhooo hope you liked it and have a great day/night!)

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