HarRon - New Years

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(Just a note, I don't ơn Harry Potter, that honor belongs to Rowling. Also, this is my first Harry Potter story ever, so give me a bit to get them into character.)

"Harry!" Ron whined. "If you say it one more time-" "But it's New Year's Eve!" Ron interjected. "And Hermione broke up with me so I have no one to kiss!" "Oh shut it Ron." Harry said, getting annoyed with Ron's complaining. "I have no one to kiss either. Better?" "No I want to kiss someone for New Years!"

As it got closer and closer to twelve o'clock, Ron's complaining got more and more severe. Harry was quite irritated, but a plan formed in his mind. He kept trying to push it back out of his mind, but the thought plagued him. So, being Harry Potter and all, he decided to do it.

"Harry!!" Ron was now screeching. "It's eleven fifty nine and I'm still alone!" "Dear Merlin Ron! I understood the first three hundred times!" "But Haaarrrryyyyyyy...."

"Ugh, you know what?" Harry asked as the clock was about to strike midnight. "Wha-" Ron began to say until Harry pressed his lips onto Ron's. Sure, their teeth hit a little, but in afterthought, it was perfect.

However, after the kiss, Ron realized what had happened, and he froze up. Harry simply looked at him. "You okay mate?" "You... you kissed me..." "Did you like it?" "......yeah." "Then I see no problem then. You had your New Years kiss, I got to kiss you, we're both happy." "I'm not" "Oh come on Ron, what else?" Harry sighed affectionately. "Could you do it again?" Ron asked.

And so, Harry did.

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