Drarry - Spider

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Harry sat on the couch, trying desperately to solve the rubix cube that Ron had gotten him a month ago. Still no luck, when all of a sudden,

"Hey Harry?" Draco asked "Have I ever told you how much I love you? You are the light of my life, my reason to breath, the one I live for, and would be willing to die for. Everything you do is amazing, and I'll be by your side note matter what, because I love and adore you."

Harry didn't even look up from his cube.

"What do you need, Draco?"

"Well, you see, there's a really big spider in the other room and... do you think you could kill it for me?" Harry began to laugh.

"Hey, don't laugh at me-"

"Of course I could Draco."

Harry walked in the room. "HOLY SHIT THAT'S A BIG SPIDER!" He ran back out.

Then, he smirked at Draco, who moments later smirked back.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Draco asked.

"Let's get Ron." The two said in unison.

Soon enough, Ron was dragged into the apartment that Harry and Draco shared. "Alright, what is it?" Ron asked, mildly concerned. "Well, your owl has kind of gone bonkers in our bathroom, and we were hoping you could remove him."

"Oh alright." Ron replied, not knowing the plan the two had.

"Hey guys?" Ron called from the bathroom. "I don't see him- OH BLOODY HELL SWEET JESUS!!!" And Ron ran straight out of the apartment.

"Okay," Harry said, "Now I'll take it out."

After many screams, crying, and a couple guns, the spider was killed and taken outside, because Draco didn't want "that horrendously ugly thing" in his garbage can.

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