Chapter 6

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Late night calls and another text. Is this as good as were gonna get? Another time zone taking me away from you.

Grace's P.O.V

*Hannah arrives at Graces and knocks the door*

I'm distracted from my thoughts by a knock at the door. I walk over and answer it, and I'm greeted by a smiley faced Hannah. "GRACE!" Hannah exclaims as she engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. "Hi Hannah." I reply and hug her back breathing in the smell of her freshly washed clothes. "Come on in, I just set the camera up." I say pulling away from the hug and standing back from the door to welcome her in.

She steps into my livingroom, taking in all the features of the newly decorated space. "Wow Grace. Who knew you had such a good taste in decor." Hannah says. I giggle in response starring at the blonde girl standing infront of me. "So what are we filming?" Hannah says, snapping me out of my trace. "Well... um... I thought it would be cool to do a Q&A... but if you don't want to I understand." A moment of silence rushes throughtout the room until Hannah exclaims an excited "Yes of course!"

(30 minutes later)
"So, hartbigsnachos (idk bro it's been over a year 😂) wants to know 'so how real is hartbig rn? Cause it can't be just me shipping it!' " Hannah reads from her phone. I grasp the bottom of my hoodie in hopes that the question goes on without any attention being paid to it. I let out a nervous laugh, hinting to Hannah that I really didn't want to answer the question. "Well shit bro it's as real as you want it to be in your head." Hannah jokes. I shoot Hannah a "good save" look in which she laughs in response. "So thank you guys for watching. Hope you enjoyed whatever this was. And as always I don't know." I say to the camera finally turning the camera off, letting out a sigh of relief.

(3 hours later)
It was nearing 7pm and it was getting dark outside. I was currently curled up on the couch with Hannah at the opposite end watching Ru Paul's Drag Race. (Hmmmm yessss.... shasay away queen). I look over at Hannah and take in all her features. I'm interrupted by her calling my name, breaking me from my trace. "Earth to Grace? Hello?" Hannah giggles making me melt at the sound. I snap back to reality and stare at her wildly. "Mmhmm?" I reply, feeling a bit lost for words. "So basically I need to tell you something." Hannah says quietly, her voice growing serious. "So there's this girl. She's amazing. I really like her... no love her. I just don't know how to tell her. Can you help?" I feel a lump grow in my throat and can't help but choke back the tears that brim my eyes. I nod in response and look at the white blanket rested on my legs. "I need to tell her Grace. I just can't find the words to say it." She says. "Well Hannah, if she means so much to you then tell her what she means to you. Tell her you love her. Don't pussyfoot around this one!" (needed to be done, not sorry 😉) The room goes quiet, nothing heard but the faint sound of the TV in the background. Hannah sighs and opens her mouth to speak again. "Grace?" She starts. "Yeah?" I respond. "I love you."

AND BOOM. CLIFFHANGER. HAHA NOT EVEN SORRY ABOUT IT. So after a year and like what 11 months, I decided to write this agaim. Ugh honestly writing this and balancing school is so difficult. It's currently 1am rn and I need sleep fam so I shall update soon...? Hope you enjoy ittttt xoxoxox

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