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I woke up. I could tell I did. But the room was all black. Like the lights were turned off and the curtains drawn. It was pretty quite except for the beeping of machines around me.

I tried to get up, but something held me back. There was a slight sting from my arm as I put my hand on the spot that hurt the most. I disconnected the IV's. Or at least that was what I thought they were. I couldn't see per se. I felt my way around the room till I came to what I imagine as the door. I turned the handle and slowly stepped out.

I assume this was a hallway. There was a strong sent of chemicals that hung from the air. The floor was slick and as took the next step still clinging to the banister I nearly lost my footing.

I made my way down the hall till I fell down. I think I just fell down the stairs.


I was walking with my class for the first volunteer work we were doing at the hospital. We were sent to help in the impaired level (sorry if this is offensive to anyone. I didn't mean it) of the hospital. There was a lot of chatter so of course I didn't see her till it was to late. A small lady came falling down the stairs. And slammed into me, and since I was caught off guard, sent both of us to the ground. We both landed with an ouff! I got off the ground first and helped her up by the arm. Her eyes were unfocused and frantic.

"Sorry!" She said. And stumbled froward, hitting her head into my chest. "Sorry!" She said again.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I can't see anything." She said with a sigh. "I'm blind. "


Sorry supper short it's 12:00 right now and I have to get up early tomorrow so yeah! Hope u like it!


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