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I helped the lady up the stairs after telling my class to go up and wait in the hall near the reception desk till I got back.

We took the stairs slowly and she stumbled a couple times, but we eventually made it up to the top.

I asked the lady at the desk where she was supposed to be and I took her back to her room. When she was back in her room I told her that if she wanted I could get a student to come and talk to her.

"Would you?" She said.

"Sure" I said. And walked back to the desk.

I organized people into their places and where they were supposed to go and walked back to where the stairs lady room was.

I knocked before I stepped inside. When I took in the room the lady sitting with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. Crying. I sat down and rubbed her back.

"I'm blind......" She said sobbing as she took in the information. Her lips quivered as she talked and I had time to examine her myself.  She was built strong but all the muscle was seen through how skinny she was right now. She was pale but you could tell that she was really tan way back when. Her hair was beautiful. Dark, long, curly strands framed her face. And her eyes I knew were a light shade of brown. She was gorgeous. 

"It's okay," I said trying to comfort her. "You'll be fine."

"How's Lissa? And her parents?"

Who? But instead I said "I can go check if u want. " I was standing up when she said,

"No! Please, stay. I'm scared but I'm even more scared about what they will think. " she shivered at the idea. " Lissa's parents are all about images. Their nice people but care about what people think. "

"I'm sure they'll understand. "

"You think?" She asked

"I know so." Even if I had no clue who she was talking about.

We just sat there silently for a long time. Me, rubbing comforting circles in her back and her just staring at the wall with silent tear streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry," she said. "My names Rose."

"Dimitri." I said

"Hi. Nice to meet you, Dimitri. You have a very nice accent. "

We both burst out laughing.


Sorry it was sort. I'll try more next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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