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Hi! I'm Writerexe, and I want to tell YOU how to write an amazing creepypasta fanfic! Let's go!

I've red tons of creepypasta stories and fanfics, and I've noticed that they all have the same recipe: A girl is 'adopted' by the creepypastas and she lives in Slendermand's mansion and blah blah blaH blAH BLAH!

BORING! There are so many stories like that! I want something new, fresh! 

TIP ONE: Make the protaganist a boy! I don't think I've ever read a fanfiction with the boy as the main charcter! A girl would be fine too, but switching it up is never a bad thing!

TIP TWO: It doesn't have to be about love! People always write love into the stories, but I don't see why! The creepypastas I like to see are the psychotic, crazy ones! It makes the story unpredictable and interesting! If you are going to have love, don't make it instant. Either go the stockholm syndrome approach or do it over a long period of time

TIP THREE: Scary! Try making it a survival/escape story! Maybe the creepypasta kidnaps the person and is keeping them as a 'pet'? (I don't know another word, but I think you understand wha I mean when I say 'pet') Have it so the protagonsit is scared and frantic, trying to escape! Remember, these are psychotic killers!

TIP FOUR: Backstories! EVERY backstory for the protagonist is like 'she was abused or bullied' or something like that. 



That is so generic and boring. I'm appalled! Try soemthing like

"He/She is a National Geographic photographer, but her/his job is on the line. He/she decideds they need to wow the boss, so they go out to a suppoedly haunted forest to trya nd get some pictures that'll send chills down the boss' spine" 

TIP FIVE: Personality! Charcters usally have the same personality in thsese stories! I'll give you a few combos to get you started! (these can work for male OR female protaganists!)

shy/into sports

masculine/ secretly feminine

feminine/ secretly masculine

reserved/violent minded


(If you ahve naymore combos comment! I can add them and give you a shout out!)

TIP SIX: Ending. When it comes to endings, There are mainly four depending on what type of story you are writing:

Protagonist dies

Protagonist goes insane

Protagonist escapes

Protogonist falls in love

For the death, this can be used in an escape story. If it is a death, try making it slower and more painful. It really draws the reader in

For the insane, it can also be used in an escape story, but the main charcter does not escape and finally sucumbs to his/her mental abuse/torture and becomes insane. Have this happed over time, the charcter very slowy losing it.

For escape ending, the main charcter escapes the mainsion or wherever the story takes place. Make sure it's a good climax with a fight!

And for love, have it be slow. Try taking the stochholme (however you spell it) approach. Have it so they are tricked into falling in love. It's more realistic, and a bit more interesting.

TIP SEVEN: MAKE THE CREEPYPASTA'S CREEPY! They are psychotic killers make them act like that! It is way more fun for you and the reader! Try it! 

I can update soon! Give suggestions and I can tag you! And if you write a creepypast stoty, COMMENT! GIve a link or the name of the fanfic and your profile, and I may shout you out!

~Frrom your favotive skelly,


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