Chapter 4

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Grayson's POV

Damn I really bumped into a girl, which I feel horrible about AND managed to be late for my English class. I ran over to the tardy office to get my tardy slip and was on my way to English class. I was thinking about me being late because if this keeps happening I bet I'll be kicked off the wrestling team since we couldn't be missing classes. Honestly, it's Ethan's fault, so for that I'm just going to start driving myself to school. Once I got to my English class, I knocked on the door to get in since it was locked. "Ahhh, late again Mr. Dolan" said my English teacher, Mr. Andrews. I just gave a sly smile and walked over to my desk. The class was silent reading our books for class to discuss it, so I went into my book bag digging around for my book. As I was reading, my mind dozed off thinking about the girl I accidentally ran into. Boy, I felt awfully bad and was low-key embarrassed because she was pretty and I made myself look like an idiot. I was surprised I never noticed her around school and I couldn't stop thinking about her. It's kind of odd that I had this attraction that I could not blow over. There's a lot of girls at school that throw themselves at me and I never go for them since I was just too focused on wrestling and school. Plus it's a turn off to me when a girl does that, so I never caught on with any girls from school. But her, she was different like she didn't automatically come to me and just looked shy, which I found adorable. For me to be drawn to this girl, I knew I had to get her number and get to know her.

*Skip English and another class period*

As class was over, the time was 11:15, which meant LUNCH TIME! I usually have small snacks, but today since I was late I forgot to pack some for school.  I walk down the hallway and put my AirPods in and make my way to the student parking lot to go get some lunch with E and some friends.


Grayson: On my way to the parking lot, wait up!

We usually hit up Tropical Smoothie since it was around the corner from school. I was psyched to get myself a Sunrise Sunset with a Turkey Bacon Ranch sandwich. As I make my way to the student parking I got to pass through the cafeteria to get to the exit. "HEY GRAYSON!" I see my friend, Andre, call out. I look up and I see the girl that I bumped into earlier sitting down at a lunch table talking to another girl. My mind totally shifted from eating lunch to her and I made my way into her direction.

Grayson: Yo jus leave without me bro I'll get lunch in the cafeteria

Ethan: lmao you sure? ight suit yourself weirdo

I just left Ethan on read and made my way towards her, I was hoping I could get her number. Hopefully she doesn't get spooked by me...

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