Chapter 2

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When lunch came around, I went into the cafeteria in search of a table. I soon found one in a corner where there was very little light. I went over to it, sat down, and plugged in my headphones, only to have one ripped out of my ear less than a minute later.

"Cheer Up. Good choice. I guess this our song, huh?" Tzuyu commented.

I stared at her as I switched the earbuds so they were in the correct ears. "What're you talking about? Why do we have to have a song?"

Tzuyu rolled her eyes. "Because friends are supposed to have songs that they jam out to," she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I scowled. "Well excuse me for not knowing. And who said we were friends?"

She frowned. "I did. Do you not want to be friends with me? If you don't want to be friends, I can leave and never bother you again. Of course if that happens then I'll be sad because I would've failed in my mission to get you to like me. And then I would have to kill myself because I lost the best thing that's ever happened to me."

It took me a few moments to process all of her rambling. When I realized what she'd said, I glared at her. "I never said I didn't want to be friends, dumbass. I was simply asking when I agreed to being friends. As for you killing yourself, that's stupid and highly unnecessary. I'm not the best thing that's ever happened to you; in fact I'm probably the worst thing that's ever happened to you."

She swatted my nose as if I were a dog. "No. Bad Sana unnie. Don't be mean to yourself."

I scowled at her. "I'm not a dog, Tzuyu. And how do you know my name? I didn't ever tell you this morning," I pointed out.

Tzuyu's face reddened immediately. "Um...I may have asked Mrs. Park about you after you left last week," she muttered.

I raised an eyebrow at her statement. "Really? Why would you do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I guess you looked interesting. Plus, I'm a nosy alien." At her last statement she grinned stupidly.

"Okay then, Yoda," I said. After a bout of silence, I spoke up again. "So why is it that Cheer Up has to be our song? When you think about it, it's actually a pretty depressing song. I mean, the guy is suffering cuz the girl is playing hard to get."

Tzuyu thought about my words for a moment before she said, "That's true. You've made a very good point, Minatozaki. However, it must be our song because it was the very first song we listened to together."

I rolled my eyes. "You know something, Tzuyu? You're weird. I like that."

She smiled a bright smile that reached her eyes. I then realized what was so familiar about her the previous Friday. Her eyes were brown and doe like; exactly like the little girl I had met when I was eight. I found it a little strange how the two had the same eye color, but I made no comment on it.

Tzuyu's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Well I'm glad my weirdness appeals to you. I would hate for you to dislike me simply because I have a very strange logic and a foul mouth."

"A foul mouth?" I questioned. "What do you mean by that?"

She shrugged. "Let's just say, I have a tendency to curse like a sailor. Now enough about me, I want to know about you. Tell me everything you think I should know about you."

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. "I guess the sharing will have to wait."

"Yep," She agreed with a small frown.

I smiled. "Hey look on the bright side, this just means that we'll have to meet up again later."

She perked up immediately. "Yay!"

I laughed. "I'll see you later, Yoda."

As I walked away she called out, "Bye Sana! See you soon." Similar to what I had done that day in the park, I didn't respond, I just kept walking.

After the last bell, I was just about to walk through the front doors of the school, when I heard: "Hey, Sana unnie, wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks to find Tzuyu running towards me. When she slid to a stop beside me, I said, "You know you could've just walked, right?"

She grinned in return. "Now where's the fun in that? Besides, if I hadn't run, you might not have waited."

I rolled my eyes as I started walking. "Whatever, Yoda."

"You call me weirdo a lot," She pointed out as she began to follow me. "What's that about?" she asked, her grin still present.

I shrugged. "Well you are an alien. You look like that green guy from Star Wars 'cayse of your ears. Plus it's just fun to call you that. Would you prefer I call you something else?"

She threw her arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to her. "I would prefer if you call me 'O' Great and Sexy One'." Her face wore an arrogant smirk.

I burst out laughing. "Yeah, okay, I'll call you that when pigs fly and hell freezes over."

"Damn," she cursed. "I was really hoping you'd agree with me, but apparently, you don't find me sexy."

I looked her over. I won't deny it, she wasn't ugly. She was actually quite attractive. She was tall, almost a foot taller than me. She had thick, hazel hair that perfectly contrasted with her tan skin. And her facial features can only be described as perfectly imperfect. She has a quite chubby cheeks. Her nose was a little pointed, and was a bit crooked. She had a bright smile and it showed her sparkly white teeth. And her brown and somewhat doe eyes were gorgeous as hell.

So, yes, she was easy on the eyes in her own way. However, there was no way in hell I was going to give her the satisfaction of knowing I thought that. Instead I replied, "Nope, I sure don't. You, Ma'am, are the ugliest thing I have ever seen."

She laughed. "You and I both know that that is a lie. I bet that right now, you're restraining yourself from jumping my bones."

I sighed. "Fine, you're attractive. I'll give you that, but I am not restraining myself from jumping your bones."

"I think you're lying," She stated bluntly. "I think that you want me, and in your mind, you're having your dirty way with me."

I scoffed. "Wow, someone's arrogant."

She feigned innocence. "Who me? Never."

By then we'd reached the park. I stopped in my tracks and turned to her. "Are we supposed to be going in the same direction?"

She shrugged. "More or less. We've already passed my house, but I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to walk you home."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Why'd you want to walk me home?"

"The world is a scary place. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you didn't get home safe," she said in a very serious tone. A moment later she burst out laughing, and I knew she was joking.

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha, very funny Tzuyu." I turned and started walking again. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"No, don't leave me," Tzuyu whined as she pulled me back. "Please don't leave me. I'll be very lonely if you do. Besides, you never got the chance to tell me all about you."

I sighed. "Fine. Give me your phone." She pulled her phone out of one of her many pockets and after unlocking it, handed it to me. I quickly put my number in it before handing it back. "Now you have my number. I guess you can call me later or something."

She pouted. "Does this mean I can't walk you home?"

I smiled and reached up to pat her on the top of her head. "That's exactly what it means, little one."

"I'm taller than you," she pointed out.

I glared at her playfully. "Whatever, you stupid giant. Now, if you'd excuse me, I need to get home." I turned to leave again, and once again she pulled me back.

She quickly pressed her lips to my cheek before pulling away and whispering, "Later beautiful." And then she turned and walked away. What did I do? I stood there, a blush creeping up my cheeks, gaping like a goddamn fish.

Damn her.

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