Chapter 40

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I didn't bother ringing the doorbell, instead, I simply tried to open the door knob, surprised when it actually turned. I opened the door and shut it behind me before running up to Tzuyu's room. I knocked violently on the door. "Tzuyu, please let me in."

The door opened immediately. "What're you doing here? Why aren't you at the dance?"

I threw myself at her and buried my face in her chest. I tried to tell her what happened, but I was crying so hard I barely understood myself.

"Shh," She hushed me. She picked me up and carried me into her bathroom. She placed me on the counter and crouched down to unstrap my shoes. "Calm down, beautiful," she murmured. "Take deep breaths, alright."

I tried, but I couldn't, and I started crying harder.

She stood up straight and took me down from the counter. She pulled me into her, and I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "Shh," she whispered. "You're okay. I'm here."

As she tried to calm me down, she unzipped my dress and helped me slip out of it. "Stay here, I'll be right back." She left the bathroom and returned a few minutes later with some of her clothes. She handed them to me. "Here, dry off and put these on."

Tears still spilled from my eyes, making everything blurry. I whimpered and threw myself at her again.

She sighed. "Unnie, I'm not going to do this for you. Get dressed, and then I'll help you, alright?"

I nodded, and She left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I somehow managed to dry off and change into the clothes she'd given me—a pair of underwear and an enormous, black button down shirt. When I opened the bathroom door, I threw myself into her arms again.

She rubbed my back soothingly. "Shh, I'm here. It's okay." She scooped me up bridal style and carried me to her parents' room. She opened the door without knocking and carried me into their enormous bathroom, which was two times the size of Tzuyu's. She set me down at the vanity. "You wanna tell me what happened?"

I sniffled and wiped my nose with my hand. "Where are your parents?"

She gave me a tiny smile. "They went out for a date night. Jackson went to his friend's house. And Minhyuk decided to go get drunk with his friends to celebrate passing some test in one of his classes."

"They left you alone?"

She grinned. "I'm a big girl, beautiful. I can stay by myself for one night."

"Why're we in here?" I murmured.

She tapped my nose. "Well, we have to get this thing off your face, and according to my mother, myself and Chaeyoung, soap and water don't get it all off." (Know what that is? :))

I arched an eyebrow. "So?"

She shrugged. "Mom has the stuff that gets it all off," she explained. "So, are you done crying now?"

I shook my head. "I've still got a ton of tears left. You've forgotten that I don't cry often."

She sighed. "Well, can you hold off long enough to let me get this thing off your face?"

I nodded. "You wanna know why I'm crying?"

"Do you want to tell me?"

I nodded slowly, wiping my nose again.

She took my hands and gently squeezed them. "Then I'm listening."

As I told her the story, she finished cleaning me up. She wiped the makeup from my face using Victoria's makeup wipes. When she finished that, she took my hair down from its ponytail and took out the braids my mother had put in before drying it with another towel. She combed through it with her hands and tied it back up into its ponytail, making it just as tight as I always did.

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